Hi Ted , I assembled the set up you want on our W28 a few years back . First I got , from the bay a 100W monocyrstalline panel https://www.ebay.com/itm/Renogy-50W-100W-160W-175W-12V-Flexible-Monocrystalline-Solar-Panel-RV-Marine/303594284699?epid=13021615798&hash=item46afa1269b:g:7c0AAOSwE1Ze5tZ3
The regulator that I bought is a good one , it was around $100.
This controller will only charge one battery at a time , there are others that will charge multiple batts.
Now the fun part , I wanted , like you to just hang it on the life line . The monocyrstalline panels are light and flexible , you don't want to flex them to much and they need to have open space underneath , so they don't over heat . I made a simple frame out of oak for the panel to lay on and , attached two clips to hook on to the life line and a strut that locks onto the Yankee T track . With my set up you can't sail , at least use the Yankee . That could be fixed .
The whole set up was around $300.
Good luck , Mark .