W32 with original style bowsptit and Mantus anchor

  • May 12, 2020 2:37 PM
    Message # 8964495
    Deleted user

    Looking to upgrade anchor, boat came with 45lb knockoff CQR. Was thinking of upgrading this year to 45lb Delta but was recommended by 2 friends to buy Mantus or Rocna as they're designs are far better....whatever anchor I use, it will be attached to 200ft 3/8 BBB chain

    Will these style anchors fit properly stowed on bow roller of W32 standard bowsprit?

    I know this could open a can of worms about anchors...that I dont want to happen. Please post pics of your setup.

    Thank you,


    W32 Morning Sun #514

    Last modified: May 12, 2020 2:39 PM | Deleted user
  • August 05, 2020 3:43 PM
    Reply # 9147179 on 8964495

     Hey There!

    I am looking to do the same. I have a 33lb Bruce and a 17kg danforth and needed to find something to fit within the wooden bowsprit. 

    Have you been able to test out sizing of any other styles? I have been asking other boaters to borrow different models to fit. 

  • August 10, 2020 10:02 AM
    Reply # 9155895 on 8964495

    Jason and Justin,  I built a stainless box bowsprit for a customer that included mountings for two Rocna anchors, one larger than the other.  Contact me by email and I can send some pictures of the bowsprit during construction, and can put you in contact with that owner to see how it all worked out.  bud@westsail.com. 

  • August 10, 2020 10:16 PM
    Reply # 9157167 on 8964495

    Neither a Mantus nor a Rocna can be properly stowed on a bow roller of a W32 standard bowsprit, because of the rollbars on both of these anchors.   Consider a Rocna Vulcan anchor, which has the same good reviews and no rollbar.

    Joe Kovacs