WESTSAIL - Circumnavigators

 Westsailors regularly cruise the major oceans and many circumnavigate taking 1 to 5 years or more.  A few have made multiple trips around the world. 

Below is a list of Westsailors who are known to have circumnavigated.  The list was compiled from the records of Latitude 38, letters to the editor of the Windblown publication or from our long time members. 

Our list of circumnavigators include 2 winners of the SSCA achievement congratulations to:

2001 - Roger and Molly Firey of Sundowner W32 #251

2007 - Eric Forsyth  of Fiona W42 #042

Please contact the webmaster@westsail.org if you know of additional Westsailors who have completed their circumnavigation.

Names  Home Port Years of voyage  Vessel Name
Eudell Jiles - Single Hand Galveston, TX, USA 1975-1980 Hannah W32
Francis, Jack & Laura  Murphys, CT, USA  1984-1990  Tamarac II W32
Gustavson, Rick & Jean  San Diego, CA USA  1984-1991  Mana W28
Hoffman, George  Moss Landing CA USA  1984-1992  Io W32
Lewis, Joseph  Oakland, CA USA  1994-1996  Morning Wind W32
Sutton, Stan, Caren,Liz,Jen  San Francisco, CA USA  1981-1989  Marinka W43
Andrews, Bill  Arlington, WA USA  2003-2005  Quest W32
Hughes,Trevor & Raewyn   New Zealand  < 2005  Nerissa W43 #037
Poole, Mark    < 2003  Silverheels
Doug, Kylem Elisa, Abigail Hopkins    2003 - 2010  Estrella W32
Veith, Ranier    abt 1972  Spindrift now Helen W32 #055
Johnson, Mike      Aissa W32 #257
Tiews, Bob       Renaussance W32 #051
Packer, Robert      Gimli W32 #203
Forsyth, Eric  1995-1997, 2002-2003  Fiona W42 #048
Kenaston, Jim & Jeanne    1979-1982  Sabbatical W32 #657
Firey, Roger & Molly    3 times 1980-2000  Sundowner W32 #251
Jill Upchurch & Bruce Bird Whangarei, New Zealand  2006-2014  Daemon K32 #12
Beilan, Micheal & Susan Florida, USA 2007-2017 Infini W43 
Freeland,John  San Diego, CA USA 1997 - 2016 Mary Ann II W32 
Rand, Jerome Gloucester, MA USA 10/2017 - 6/2018  Mighty Sparrow W32
Kendig, Sue & Bob  Newport Beach, CA USA 2/1994 - 4/2004 Rejoice W42
Linder, Larry & Margie Morro Bay, CA USA 2016 - 2022 Althea W32


Rick & Jean Gustavson Images

4 photo(s) Updated on: September 20, 2022
  • Mana in Fremantle, AU
  • Newport Beach Eagle dock in Fremantle, AUS
  • Jean and Rick Gustavson
  • Arrival Portsmouth, New Hampshire 89 days after departure from Cape Town, S.A.