Westsail 32 Belt Buckle

  • December 05, 2011 2:57 PM
    Message # 766537
    From time to time I scan EBay for Westsail items, and recently I bought a brass belt buckle that was advertised as a Westsail 32 buckle (actually, it came with a belt as well.) It came in the mail today, and sure enough, it has a W32 in high relief, with "W32" incised on the sail. Did Westsail sell these belt buckles originally? 

  • December 05, 2011 6:48 PM
    Reply # 766668 on 766537
    Deleted user
    Frank Scalfano wrote:From time to time I scan EBay for Westsail items, and recently I bought a brass belt buckle that was advertised as a Westsail 32 buckle (actually, it came with a belt as well.) It came in the mail today, and sure enough, it has a W32 in high relief, with "W32" incised on the sail. Did Westsail sell these belt buckles originally? 

    I see belts listed for sail in the spring 1976 Windbag, (page between 18 & 19) but there is no pictures.

  • December 05, 2011 6:55 PM
    Reply # 766670 on 766668
    Deleted user
    never mind, those aren't ones, I found a pic of the in Fall 74 (pg 23), those ones are made with boat hardware to buckle, no logo on them that I can see
  • December 06, 2011 8:35 AM
    Reply # 767131 on 766537

    The guy who sold it to me said he bought it in a gift shop in North Carolina in the '80's. I will have to post a pic of the buckle if I can remember later this week.


  • December 06, 2011 6:50 PM
    Reply # 767602 on 766537
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    As a former shop teacher the Westsail belt buckle sounds like a perfect project in the hot metals lab for my students! 
  • December 10, 2011 9:32 AM
    Reply # 770551 on 766537



    Well, I seem to be having trouble getting the picture to post. It is in my album, however. Hopefully, you can see it.

    Last modified: December 10, 2011 1:42 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • December 10, 2011 3:40 PM
    Reply # 770713 on 766537
    Thanks Jay. The photo doesn't show it very well, but the mainsail has a "W32" on it.

  • December 10, 2011 5:49 PM
    Reply # 770771 on 766537
    I've seen pictures of this type of belt buckle before, and I think it would be a great idea if we could add it to our store.  Kirk and I are always open to suggestions for new stuff to add, but everyone has to remember that WOA has somewhat limited funds, so tying up a lot in merchandise and waiting for it to sell can present a cash flow problem.

    I think we're going to add boat bags (simple ones, not the briefcase type) and perhaps men's and women's tank tops to the inventory for next year.  The coffee mugs were a big hit, and we completely sold out of those.  Hats went well, with a few left over.  Various shirts and the hoodies did OK, so we'll be back-filling the sizes we sold the most.

    Remember, you can place an order with Kirk any time -- go to the "Store" page and follow the directions.

    Terry Shoup
    WOA Treasurer
  • December 11, 2011 8:12 AM
    Reply # 771014 on 770771
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Terry Shoup wrote:I've seen pictures of this type of belt buckle before, and I think it would be a great idea if we could add it to our store.  Kirk and I are always open to suggestions for new stuff to add, but everyone has to remember that WOA has somewhat limited funds, so tying up a lot in merchandise and waiting for it to sell can present a cash flow problem.

    I think we're going to add boat bags (simple ones, not the briefcase type) and perhaps men's and women's tank tops to the inventory for next year.  The coffee mugs were a big hit, and we completely sold out of those.  Hats went well, with a few left over.  Various shirts and the hoodies did OK, so we'll be back-filling the sizes we sold the most.

    Remember, you can place an order with Kirk any time -- go to the "Store" page and follow the directions.

    Terry Shoup
    WOA Treasurer
    Now all I need is my HS metals shop !! and all the old Groco valve bodies -- and we'd have belt buckles!