Tsunami - reports

  • March 11, 2011 2:58 PM
    Message # 544015
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Let's post messages from members and Westsailors as we get news - post tusnami.

    As you know there is considerable damage in the Santa Cruz Harbor - upper harbor especially.  Also Monterey Harbor - I've not heard about Moss landing.  Also Crescent City Harbor has multiple sunk boats. 

    Hi Jay,

    Thanks for your caring. Your hope was fulfilled and RBM (Rainbow Bay Marina)
    in Pearl Harbor had no noticeable effect from the tsunami. I do not know at this
    time how the  exposed marina's on Oahu fared. Time will tell.

    Peter, WS32 Pegasus, Honolulu

  • March 11, 2011 4:32 PM
    Reply # 544029 on 544015
    Deleted user
    Jay Bietz wrote:

    Let's post messages from members and Westsailors as we get news - post tusnami.

    As you know there is considerable damage in the Santa Cruz Harbor - upper harbor especially.  Also Monterey Harbor - I've not heard about Moss landing.  Also Crescent City Harbor has multiple sunk boats. 

    Hi Jay,

    Thanks for your caring. Your hope was fulfilled and RBM (Rainbow Bay Marina)
    in Pearl Harbor had no noticeable effect from the tsunami. I do not know at this
    time how the  exposed marina's on Oahu fared. Time will tell.

    Peter, WS32 Pegasus, Honolulu

    Wondering how Gary Burton is doing in Brookings, OR. Lee Perry, also from Brookings, is safely tied up to the marina in Santa Rosalia, BCS, Mexico.  Heard that Brookings got spanked pretty bad.
  • March 12, 2011 8:04 AM
    Reply # 544359 on 544015
    The three W32's in Brookings are ok. I sustained some scratching along the stbd bow and bobstay fitting where a dock that tore lose hit, but other than that fine.
    Thanks for the concern
  • March 12, 2011 4:23 PM
    Reply # 544549 on 544015
    Some videos: our boat is at 1:45..

    some cussing in the second video
    Last modified: March 12, 2011 4:23 PM | Anonymous
  • March 14, 2011 6:02 PM
    Reply # 545897 on 544015
  • March 16, 2011 8:19 PM
    Reply # 547373 on 544015
    This one show our boat... light blue sail cover

  • March 21, 2011 4:36 PM
    Reply # 550685 on 544129
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Norm Rhines wrote: Well it is not all good in Hawaii:

    I talked to Boris Bode today w32Tava Annie; his is one of the boats attached to the docks that broke apart and went out to sea.  He said that his mast and boom that were on deck may have been lost, but it was looking like the boat was being towed back in. he was safely ashore.

    Bill Andrews of w32 Quest was off shore on his boat when I talked to him this afternoon. He was waiting to see if he could get a place to come back to, as his was one of the slips that went out to sea. He is ok but real tired, so I do hope he can Anchor or tie off and get some rest!!

    Both of these guys are great guys!  both help me out when I packed up my boat to have it shipped back to the west coast in Jan of this year and I am still in there debt. Not sure what we can do for them, but my prayers are with them. and also for all who are affected buy this disaster. 

    I also Talked to Skip Riley today but he was not on his boat when it came through but did not mention any issues with his W32 and the Tsunami.

    There are many more in Hawaii but these are the only people I have talked with.


    Norms update "Boris got his boat back less mast and boom with cap rail damage, Bill is Ok but Not sure on all of the rest+/-  I did not hear of any one loosing their westsail but, I did not contact everyone"