beaching legs

  • May 16, 2016 6:57 PM
    Message # 4023862
    Deleted user

    Does anyone have any experience with beaching legs on a W32?

  • May 17, 2016 3:51 PM
    Reply # 4025575 on 4023862
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Nathan:  Got to admit that I haven't heard of beaching legs before ... though I could guess - can you provide a description/photo? 

  • May 17, 2016 7:54 PM
    Reply # 4025787 on 4023862

    I think he means a kickstand to hold her upright when careening. I've heard of the use of the amidships hawsers to hold supports, but I have no idea how it was done. 

  • May 18, 2016 3:51 PM
    Reply # 4027363 on 4023862, but I once owned a British built Vancouver 27 that came with a pair of them.  They mounted midship on each side thru bulwark hawse pipes.  I never tried them, but the original owner had used them when the boat was on a tidal grid.  As I recall they had an inverted T shape and were made of aluminum pipe that was about 2" diameter.


  • May 18, 2016 8:07 PM
    Reply # 4027619 on 4023862
    Deleted user

    Beaching legs are supports that keep your boat standing upright during low tide on a drying beach. Here's an example. They can also be used in place of jack stands in the yard. There's a British company Yacht Legs that makes telescoping ones which look pretty nice.

    I wondered if any W32 owners have them.

    Last modified: May 18, 2016 8:35 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • May 19, 2016 7:29 AM
    Reply # 4029040 on 4023862

    Beaching always looked adventurous to me.  I have two questions.

    1) If the boat tips over despite the legs, will it flood when the tide comes back?  I'm thinking that the bottom under the boat may have a steep slope.

    2) On a muddy bottom, is there risk that the keel and the legs both sink deeply in the mud, leaving the boat locked in by suction when the tide comes back?

  • May 19, 2016 4:45 PM
    Reply # 4029783 on 4023862
    Deleted user

    I think you would want to select your location for beaching carefully, and would avoid a steep or muddy beach altogether unless absolutely necessary.

    I wouldn't think a W32 would flood if it fell over. Wasn't Satori washed up on the beach, then dragged back out to sea by the new owner?

    I'm sure if you selected the wrong muddy location, legs could get stuck. But the boat would not be stuck since you can always detach the legs.

    Last modified: May 19, 2016 4:46 PM | Deleted user
  • June 24, 2016 12:32 AM
    Reply # 4095587 on 4023862
    Deleted user

    I've had a bit of experience taking to the ground in my last boat and have only just posted this question in the w28 forum.  It's a good idea to inspect the ground you want to dry out on first for rocks holes etc and pick a nice clear level spot when the tide is out. Take some bearings on the beach so you can find the spot when the tide is in. Anchor one your chosen site with head and stern anchors to keep the boat in the direction you want. My last boat had a pretty large flat footprint on the bottom of the keel that ran parallel with the water line. I'd use a spinnaker pole and a whisker pole for legs and I'd just fasten these to the cap shroud chain plates with handy billies, easing them as the tide ebbed to keep the boat upright. The first time I did it I put diagonal lines on for braces but these are not necessary. I made some pads out of some old board with u bolts on them that would clip on the end of the poles to stop them sinking in the sand.  I have heard of boats being able to take the bottom without poles but I wouldn't be game to try that. Most boats will float off the bottom from on their side unless they are laying over the edge of a drop. if needit pays to lay over toward shore to keep the weather out as the tide rises. I have also take to the bottom and left enough water so the boat would remain upright which enables wading around and scrubbing her bum.  My Question Being has anyone done this in a W28 as the keel is cut away forward on an angle. The boat shown in the photo above has some gravel built up forward to keep her level and her keel is not cut away at all. 


    ps sorry for the mistakes I can't see what I'm writing using this phone.

    pps In Darwin the tidal range can reach 10m ('bout 30ft eh) and they have careening poles outside the yacht club that you can tie up on. I asked how much to use them and they said $50, I complained it was too much and they replied " alright $20 an hour" that's Darwin humour :) 

    Last modified: June 24, 2016 12:39 AM | Deleted user