Many of us, myself included, sometimes think that this web site is the forum and nothing but the forum. But that view is false. It has grown into a much richer resource for WOA members than just the forum. If you have not taken the time to explore it, I suggest you do so.
Thanks to Jay Beitz, our webmaster, the site has added a wealth of other resources and information organized in ways valuable to Westsail owners. Few of us stop to think about what a huge amount of effort was required for that. Also, under the covers, maintenance of member records on the old site was a mess. Jay fixed that on this new site and the quality of member service is much improved.
The transition from the old web site to this one was difficult. Along the way, Jay had to suffer the sting of many arrows criticizing this new site. But that is behind us. Jay saw it through. So when does the day come when we publicly thank Jay for a job well done? How about today? I'll start.
Thank you very much Jay Beitz.