Thanks to webmaster Jay

  • November 06, 2014 4:11 AM
    Message # 3143680

    Many of us, myself included, sometimes think that this web site is the forum and nothing but the forum.  But that view is false.  It has grown into a much richer resource for WOA members than just the forum.    If you have not taken the time to explore it, I suggest you do so.

    Thanks to Jay Beitz, our webmaster, the site has added a wealth of other resources and information organized in ways valuable to Westsail owners.  Few of us stop to think about what a huge amount of effort was required for that.  Also, under the covers, maintenance of member records on the old site was a mess.  Jay fixed that on this new site and the quality of member service is much improved.

    The transition from the old web site to this one was difficult.  Along the way, Jay had to suffer the sting of many arrows criticizing this new site.   But that is behind us.  Jay saw it through.  So when does the day come when we publicly thank Jay for a job well done?  How about today? I'll start.

    Thank you very much Jay Beitz.

  • November 06, 2014 6:44 AM
    Reply # 3143898 on 3143680
    Deleted user

    I'll second that: Thanks Jay!

    When you stop to think about it this site represents a large amount of work and Jay does a great job of it. The forum and the content of the site are a wonderful resources and a good value for members. Its too easy to take this sort of thing for granted until its gone. Considering he does this voluntarily we should all be grateful. 

  • November 06, 2014 10:20 AM
    Reply # 3144099 on 3143680
    Deleted user

    Yes, thank you Jay; and thanks to you Dick for reminding me of something that should not have been forgotten in the first place.

  • November 06, 2014 3:49 PM
    Reply # 3144360 on 3143680
    Deleted user

    I just want to say that I really appreciate everything on this site, I'm not sure how I would manage without it, I only get disappointed when I log on and there are no new posts!  Thanks everybody and especially Jay!

  • November 06, 2014 5:56 PM
    Reply # 3144408 on 3143680
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Thanks so much for the kind words... do keep the content flowing.... 


  • November 07, 2014 5:42 AM
    Reply # 3144603 on 3143680

    Thanks Jay,  to the unsung hero.  I for one am appreciate for everything you have done and remember the difficulties of the conversion.  I know you have another life besides WOA but want to thank you for your expertise and knowledge for the legacy of WOA

    Kind .regards

    Christian   SV Summer Solstice W42

  • November 08, 2014 9:10 AM
    Reply # 3145386 on 3143680
    Deleted user

    As one who has the responsibility (but does not write the code for) a corporate website I can vouch that it takes a great deal of creative work and effort to develop the design, a thick skin to handle the inevitable barbs and criticisms, and modesty not to allow a swollen head from the few and far between compliments, and perseverance to implement the ongoing (forever) improvements and additions.  So I would like to add my thanks to Jay for a superb unpaid (but no doubt rewarding) job.


  • November 09, 2014 12:10 PM
    Reply # 3146387 on 3143680

    Thanks Jay ! Your new friend .

  • November 09, 2014 4:07 PM
    Reply # 3146546 on 3143680

    Absolutely!  We (me included) do not voice our appreciation enough for the effort it takes to manage this website. 

    Thanks for all the hard work Jay!