Mate's book "From a Bare Hull" is THE seminal work on the dream of crafting one's boat from a bare hull. That he used the WS 32 as his canvas only makes his work better. His companion book, "The Finely Fitted Yacht" is also a must have.
I purchased both books in the late 70's/early 80's, as I was dreaming of building my own boat and sailing away. Being a New Englander, my DNA has either a mutation or a Darwinian super gene that makes me think I can do-it-myself cheaper and just a good as a production company. Hmmm, only time and corrective lens may tell that story!
However, both books can not only feed one's dreams, but fuel one's efforts to create a special vessel. While his vessel was a beautiful WS 32, his work applies to all Westsails. I can remember spending countless hours re-reading both books, as I incorporated some of his features on the boats I either built or restored.
More recently, I have used the books as I have restored our WS 42, Harmony. Some of the niblets and features have worked very well. Heck, if I could only make my pieces look as nice as his!!!
Anyway, both books should be in a Westsail owner's library even if s/he has someone else do the work. The shear volume of neat ideas and the huge ambiance of nautical intoxication can only help us to appreciate our vessels even more.