Westsail32 Sail Area

  • June 08, 2014 11:13 AM
    Message # 1560942
    Deleted user
    Does anyone know what the standard designed sail area is for the Westsail32?

    Wikipedia says 629 sq ft while Sailboatdata says 705 which seems like a pretty sizeable difference. I've read even more on some boats for sale–maybe there's a genoa involved.
  • June 09, 2014 12:52 PM
    Reply # 1561086 on 1560942
    Deleted user
  • June 09, 2014 1:29 PM
    Reply # 1561100 on 1560942

    Ahoy Nathan,

    This is the long version:  629  sq ft is the actual square footage of the sails on most original Westsail-32's.  That is 303+177+149=629. The 177 and 149 only represents about 82% of the fore triangle.  The W-32 worked well with these sails.  Most cruising boats advertised their sail area as the sail area that was actually used.  The industry standard, which represents most boats sold, used 100% of the fore triangle to calculate sail area.  Using that standard, the Westsail-32 measures closer to the 705 figure.  Westsail Corp. later on used 753 sq ft as their sail area in their literature.  That is, 303(main)+301(yankee)+149(staysail)=753.  ALL THE BOATS WERE EXACTLY THE SAME.

    The explaination is purely marketing.  Many big names - Robert Perry for example - were exploiting the SA/DISP ratio of the W-32 to show how their boats were better.  By raising the SA on paper, it made the Westsail look a lot better.  Just think if Westsail chose to use a Triradial spinnaker in their literature.  Wow!  303+1168+149=1620 sq ft. 

    Good Luck,    Dave

    Last modified: June 09, 2014 1:35 PM | Anonymous member
  • June 10, 2014 8:43 PM
    Reply # 1561320 on 1560942
    Deleted user
    Thanks for clearing up my confusion!
  • June 12, 2014 5:25 PM
    Reply # 1561634 on 1560942
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    For members - in the Westsail FAQ  there is a thread about sail sizes.


