So I'm talking to a friend of mine who is a racer on multhulls, and of course he has no respect for the Westsail. One of those guys that knows everything about everything, and throws around Wetsnail all too often, thinks it's still funny...
Anyway, this guy, Nick, was on Dragonfly, a multihull something or other (I stopped paying attention when he got to "race boat") in a race today (17-MAY-2014, around 2pm) off of Port Townsend, WA. -specifically off of Point Wilson, when they came upon a Westsail (a Kendall in drag he calls them) under power in the middle of the race course.
At first they were concerned because the only thing they saw moving was the dog sitting at the helm - they thought the owner had fallen overboard. Then they got closer and saw the owner peeking out from the companionway. I guess the boat was doing a meandering course because these guys had to figure out how to get past him, then at one point he came straight at them.
Nick didn't get the name, but he thinks it was something like Farallon, Santorini, something like that...
Was anyone out that way that can tell the other side of the story? Just curious.