W32 History Help

  • April 22, 2014 11:39 AM
    Message # 1541987
    Deleted user
    Hey guys, my wife and I are proud new owners of a W32 called Sandshoe and we are trying to research the history behind the boat. We are aware that she was involved in a crew rescue in the Bass Straight and that she was recovered to Lord Howe Island and thats about all we know. My wife and I along with our twin 20 month old girls are excited to take on the restoration and we are hoping you might be able to help us out with a little background info, and perhaps some technical info too e.g. age of the standing and running rigging, engine details perhaps - basically any info you have would be greatly appreciated by our family.

    Cheers Jay
  • April 23, 2014 7:52 PM
    Reply # 1542700 on 1541987
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Jay:  Short of a lucky hit with an internet search and Bud's Database - I"m not sure that your boats history is available.  It is possible that your boat is mentioned in some of the Windblown pdf files which are avaiable for download.

    Jay Bietz

  • April 25, 2014 5:46 PM
    Reply # 1543599 on 1541987
    i don't have a boat on my list with that name.  With the hull number, I probably have the boat, under a previous name.
  • April 27, 2014 2:44 AM
    Reply # 1543890 on 1541987
    Deleted user
    I have found out a fair bit of her history, and interestingly that she is a factory Westsail 33 not 32 - apparently they were a limited run.  Any ideas as to the differences?
  • May 04, 2014 8:19 AM
    Reply # 1546839 on 1541987
    I replied to another post on this forum about the 33.  It is not a Westsail factory boat, but a boat built by an Australian company that used the same Atkins lines that Westsail used.