Hi there,
It is easier on a W32, because they are built for comfort! I spent Xmas over at Catalina in '78 and my in-laws were invited for a turkey dinner. I have (still) a Shipmate propane stove and a portable electric refrigerator/freezer that fit into the Westsail icebox space. I bought in Marina Del Rey a 12lb or so turkey, that I let thaw out on the way to Avalon. My now ex wife is not a cook and I like to eat things well prepared. Anyway, this was the first time I fixed something this size on the boat and after stuffing it, I tried to place it into the oven. Did not fit! I bought a somewhat small one, but I still needed to reduce this one to fit. I wrapped it to protect it and placed on the deck and with a few stomps got it to go into the oven. - Since then, I used a tape measure before buying one.
Mike Z (aka deleted user)