Portlight Water Retention

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  • May 22, 2020 8:58 AM
    Reply # 8986806 on 1252984

    For me the portlight water retention is just  something I deal with . There are little spots on our W28 that collect water , the one I would like to fix is the deck scupper that is located at the companion way bulkhead . The problem is the drain hole is above the bottom of the scupper box so the water can't drain plus the drain hole is very small . WOA's banker Ron Elder fixed that problem , he showed it to me at the last SoCal rendezvous . The factory set up is bronze fittings and a rubber tube , Ron glassed in a glass tube and positioned it so no water could be left standing and the hole was proper size . Ron said , yeah it's big you don't want to drop your keys in it , they'll be in the water . Another place that collects water is the cockpit bench , In Bruce Bingham's book The sailors Sketchbook https://www.abebooks.com/Sailors-Sketchbook-Ideas-projects-yachtsmans-rainy/30582400252/bd?cm_mmc=ggl-_-US_Shopp_Trade-_-used-_-naa&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwdbjhunH6QIVNRatBh2r0wJbEAYYASABEgLE1_D_BwE

    I can't recommend this book enough . He shows how to deal with standing water on a deck , a pipe fitting in the deck , one in the hull connected with a tube . Hmmm , that sounds familiar , maybe give it the Ron treatment .

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    Last modified: May 22, 2020 9:12 AM | Anonymous member
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