Raw Water Intake Seacock

  • July 14, 2012 7:03 PM
    Message # 1009621
    Deleted user
    I can't upload pictures so I'll describe.
    My raw water intake seacock is different from my other "t" handle Grocos.
    It has a wrench type handle on it. I haven't been able to close it even after loosening bolt on other end of seacock.
    I am in the water and stressed about it being open.
    Any suggestions?

  • July 15, 2012 7:48 AM
    Reply # 1009982 on 1009621
    Deleted user
    If it's a Wicox-Crittenden (or similar), it'll be a big bronze barrel with a large nut on the bottom.  The plug is a slightly tapered cone.  The nut on the bottom is used to seat it when closed (similar to the t-handle on the Groco.  To open or close, you're supposed to loosen the nut on the bottom a little bit.  Hopefully that will allow the plug to loosen up when you put the wrench to the square nut on the top of the plug.  If it doesn't, you can try tapping the bottom, where the hex nut is. But use a light touch and a rubber mallet.  If you screw up the threads, you'll have a very tough time removing the cone during a haulout.  Why do you want to remove it?  To clean and grease the mating surfaces.

    If this isn't the type of seacock you have, well, as Rosanne Rosanna Danna says, "Never mind".
  • July 15, 2012 2:01 PM
    Reply # 1010132 on 1009621
    Deleted user
    I'd like to close it. I've owned the boat for 6 mos and have been in the water.
  • July 15, 2012 2:11 PM
    Reply # 1010136 on 1009621

    If the seacock is seized up you'd probably be better served by making sure the hose clamps, hoses, etc of that intake are in good condition than attempting to close it.  When a seacock seizes up it can sometimes be a real pain to close and sometimes owners will break the seacock in the process of its closing. 

    Its likely this seacock has not been operated in some time.  Wait for the next haulout and then disassemble it properly and service it.  After you've gotten it back into good working order make sure to operate it often so that it will stay lubricated. 

    I personally wouldn't worry too much about it unless you see something actually wrong.  Its one of those nagging boat problems.  I had the same situation.  I replaced the hose clamps and waited to haul out to correct it.  Not optimal, but better than breaking it. 

    Just my .02c 

    Good luck! 
  • July 16, 2012 4:32 AM
    Reply # 1010911 on 1009621
    Deleted user
    I'll wait for next haul out.