I just purchased Ben Hargrove's W32 project !

  • September 25, 2019 12:47 AM
    Message # 7899419
    Deleted user

    I just purchased Ben Hargrove's W32 project, currently stored in Carlton, WA. In the Spring I plan to truck the kit and kaboodle to my home away from home, The Landings at Colony Wharf in Bellingham, WA.

    There, God willing, I'll complete the refurbishment during the summers of 2020 - 2021 and set sail for Newport or Coos Bay Bay, OR.

    I'm looking for owners opinions on the best servo-pendulum windvane for the W32, and feedback on what to name her.

    I put a Monitor on my wheel steering, Ericson 38 and found it too fussy when heading downwind.

    I'm partial to Aires but have no experience with one.

    The names I'm mulling are, in no order:

    Homeward Bound
    Home Run

  • September 25, 2019 10:53 AM
    Reply # 7900070 on 7899419
    Deleted user

    Congratulations Dave and best of luck with your project. We just completed the major aspects of our boat restoration but renamed the boat at the time she was purchased. The challenge of the work required and metamorphosis that occurred during the renovation process, often made me wish I would have waited before we came up with a new name.

    Today, we still love her name but maybe you should consider living with her for a while before you give her a name - I'm certain she'll tell you who she is as you work your way through the project. 

    All the best,


  • September 25, 2019 7:09 PM
    Reply # 7901323 on 7899419
    Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Congratulations on your new to you boat.

    Consider reviewing  the members area as there is many topics concerning working on your boat.  

    Keep in touch -- I was up in Bellingham in 2016 and had a great time with San Juan Sailing School -- the PNW is a great area for boating... 
