Mark, Welcome aboard! I bought my W32 in '05 - it was a basket case, derelict in a farm field in northern MI for nearly ten years - and plunged into a complete restoration that took seven years. I'm still adding and fine-tuning all the time as I learn more. I couldn't have done it without the sage input of Bud Taplin and the other owners on this site who were so generous with their information and experience. They won't steer you wrong and the W32 is a great boat. It will take a lot more than you can!
Just remember that, as my savvy old Marine drill instructor said, "Opinions are like *%$#holes - everyone has one!" Read everything, ask questions, look at other boats, and then compare it with yours and the type of sailing you plan to do and you won't go far wrong. There are some really experienced sailors on this site. I was navy as well, cruisers and destroyers, and this ain't the navy anymore, although your experience will serve you well. - Tom