New owner saying hi

  • June 05, 2013 10:49 PM
    Message # 1310521
    Hey folks, Just bought a W32 and excited to be part of the group of owners. Currently living in Seattle and heading south next year if my refit goes well. Are there any other Seattle folks out there? It would be great to know other folks in the area to meet and chat about refitting and cruising. Cheers!
  • June 06, 2013 6:11 AM
    Reply # 1310636 on 1310521
    Deleted user
    Welcome aboard and congrats on the find. 

    I live on my westsail in the Seattle area, where about are you located? I've seen 4 westsails in my marina and wonder if your one of them? 

  • June 06, 2013 7:05 AM
    Reply # 1310693 on 1310521

    Welcome aboard Tony! You will find a great group of people here that are willing to help. I am located in the Los Angeles area. So give me shout when you get down this way. Congrats on your new Westsail!

    James & Deena

    sv/Nellie Jo

    Hull # 359


  • June 06, 2013 8:47 AM
    Reply # 1310782 on 1310521
    Welcome to WOA, congrats on your boat!

  • June 06, 2013 11:30 AM
    Reply # 1310932 on 1310521
    Thanks everyone! Michael I am a land lubber in north Seattle until I move the boat to a local marina in the fall. Currently Satori is moored in Blaine at the Canadian border and I'm doing a number of upgrades and repairs before sailing her down here to Ballard where she'll stay until next May or June.
  • June 06, 2013 7:29 PM
    Reply # 1311322 on 1310521
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Welcome aboard -- members can goto a page and search for other members based on their membership information...   I counted 46 in the Pacific North West Fleet - check out  2012 PNW Rendezvous .  I'm hoping for more details on the 2013 event...


    Last modified: June 06, 2013 7:42 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • June 07, 2013 11:28 AM
    Reply # 1311904 on 1310521


    Let me add my welcome to the others. The great support from this website and it's members along Bud's company for parts and service along with information was one of the biggest advantages to buying a Westsail. There is a wealth of information from the manual's that Bud provides.
