End boom VS. Mid boom sheeting.

  • July 04, 2012 6:44 PM
    Message # 995837
    Anybody have an opinion about mid boom sheeting and how they did it?


  • July 04, 2012 10:42 PM
    Reply # 996285 on 995837
    I believe many have installed a traveler just forward of the hatch.  Contact Bud, he sells the entire setup. 
  • July 05, 2012 4:00 AM
    Reply # 996557 on 995837
    Deleted user
    With mid-boom sheeting you install a rather robust traveller on the cabin top just forward of the companionway.  On Bloodhound, the sheet is then led back through a cutout in the dodger to the mainsheet winch.  Simple setup and it keeps one more line out of way and out of the cockpit.
  • July 05, 2012 4:40 PM
    Reply # 997012 on 995837
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    rich morpurgo wrote:Anybody have an opinion about mid boom sheeting and how they did it?



    Rich: Pygmalion W32 #567 had the mid boom sheeting with the track in the cockpit.  I found this arrangement unsafe as the sheets were in the cockpit with the often novice passengers and a great potential for injury at ties.

    The track and sheets also obscured the campanion way. 

    Bud supplies a nice all metal Garhauer  track and lines to install over the hatch.  I find that this arrangement is easier to use and clears the cockpit of the sheets under tension and is easy to use. 

    I don't have a good image of the track - but here are two showing each end and it's placement.

    The only negative (small) is that the height of the track is in my line of site with the taller end pieces so I sit on two cushions when motoring - under sail it's not an issue.

    I ordered the taller ends so later a "Turtle" (I think this is the right word) could be added to cover the hatch. 


    Hope this helps -- Here is a recient view of the track.


    Last modified: August 26, 2012 2:54 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • August 25, 2012 5:56 PM
    Reply # 1056620 on 995837
    If you have the standard WS boom you need to reinforce the where you sheet to in the middle of the boom.  Every broken boom I've seen was  one sheet as a mid boom.  Don't remember if Dave white had changed his to mid boom when he did the last Transpac.

    Be very careful if you do change and always make sure you put a preventer on her from I would say a close reach on. A sudden wind shift can be enough to snap the thing in half. That said, I'm sure there will be many proponents of the setup and they've successfully been sailed thousands of miles. Just as I said, those I've seen broken were mid boom!

    Good Luck
  • August 26, 2012 5:54 AM
    Reply # 1056896 on 995837


    Not to hijack the thread but in your bottom picture I noticed your companionway lock.  I have one exactly like that. A big, stout bronze combo lock.  I wonder if that lock is original, came with a Westsail upon purchase.

    Mike the combo locks are available as we have 3 others inuse for the boat.  I'd check marine supply houses.  I doubt it is original with the boat -- if it was you paid for it!!


    Last modified: August 26, 2012 2:56 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • August 26, 2012 9:15 AM
    Reply # 1056974 on 995837
    Deleted user
    Our boat was converted to a traveler in front of the dodger before we bought it, but we did install a new  Garhauer   eight years ago. We had end boom sheeting on another boat and much prefer mid boom sheeting. It keeps everything out of the way and a vang or preventer isn't necessary until the boom is let out past the end of the traveler. We have Garhauer  preventers rigged on each side when sailing off the wind. We did discover our Lefiel boom is slightly larger than average.

    Our main sheet was ran through a single block then to the traveler.  Six years ago we stripped and painted the mast/boom.  This is when we discovered the strap for the single block was about to pull out of the boom, which could have been a disaster.  We now have three blocks on bails with compression posts in the boom.  A much stronger attachment. The picture now running on the home page of Worldwind is a great photo of our traveler.

    It was Dave King, not White who broke his boom on the taranspac.  He had end boom sheeting. 
  • August 27, 2012 3:45 AM
    Reply # 1057530 on 995837
    Deleted user

    The locks are available from pretty much any major hardware chain such as Home Depot.  I have 3 on the boat and 3 on a cargo trailer.  Very easy to change the combination.
