After removing the clubfoot boom the staysail was still self tacking.
I added a snap shackle to the staysail sheet block that had been attached to the aft end of the club. So that block could instead be attached to the clew of the staysail and removed when not in use.
But the set of the staysail was poor in anything other than a close hauled position due to the staysail deck block being fixed at the midship position in front of the mast. If I'd had an athwartships traveller (as many Westsail's due) rather than a fixed deck mounted block, the set of the loose footed staysail might have been better.
As we often fly a Staysail Genoa that slightly overlaps the mast, the installation of staysail cabintop tracks was the best solution for our needs.

The photo above shows our original midship mounted deck block and the staysail cabintop tracks we added just inboard of the handrails. I believe that on a W32 the cabintop staysail tracks could be mounted further inboard due to the W32's center mounted companionway.