Hull Build specifications in relation to Coast Guard specs for C.O.I. very.

  • November 15, 2019 11:54 AM
    Message # 8115276
    Deleted user

    Hi All WestSail Officianatos,

    I am brand new to this forum and to the Westsail sailboat itself.

    i have long admired these beauties and have learned all of what U share here and found abroad, but nowhere can I locate answers to a few questions I have regarding the methodology used when glassing the haul in layups. Basically what technics as in Navics887...? I even spoke with Bud in great detail but he suggested I ask U folks here 

    Specifically in Hull Build specifications in relation to Coast Guard specs for C.O.I. requirements. under 46 CFR’s 177.300 Hull structure reguarding “scantling” requirements they have.

    Also wondered if anyone here knew or knows of any Westsail that may have undergone the riggers of this US COAST GUARD C.O.I. process in order to legally Charter Operations above the OUPV 6 pack limit?  BAsically work as an inspected vessel.

    Are there any know Westsail sailboats doing passenger for hire or Charter ops on any Westsail boat with a C.O.I.?

    Thank U!