Westsail work bee -- Ladd's Marina Stockton

  • April 01, 2012 8:20 PM
    Reply # 874177 on 867448
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Just got back from Ladd's Marina - lots of work done since the first pictures and more to do.  Excellent weather for working on boats - no rain and a breeze and sun.!!

    Here is a link to the album where I'll be posting the images. Picasa Album

    The area on the keel is where the fairing will be done - and the rudder will be removed and installed several times during the process...

  • April 02, 2012 7:57 PM
    Reply # 880518 on 867448
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Jim Focha sends photos -- see them all at the link above - good progress made today.

    Dave King Modification document pdf

    Last modified: April 03, 2012 6:13 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • April 04, 2012 11:25 AM
    Reply # 881851 on 867448
    Deleted user
    This message is for Randy and Dave,

    Dave, I know when I took measurements on my rudder, I found that the bottom of the rudder was not exactly in line with the waterline. On the bottom of the rudder the back was a little higher than the front when compared to the waterline.

    Is this the case for Randy's rudder?  if so, you may want to do a bit of faring to make the flat bottom of the rudder align with the waterline (reducing some more drag)

    I thought about this when sailing in an area where the water was clear but had Phosphorescence, I did see that there was, what looked like a Buck Rodgers streak, coming from the bottom of the rudder "nature is so great!". (could be my fin, but I think it was the bottom of the rudder not being in alignment with the waterline? )

    Sorry I can not come to see you guys. It is so cool that you have 4 boats doing the rudder faring!!!! they will all like the results when sailing.   I just got back from Oregon and can not come out to Stockton this weekend sorry, it would have been great to see all of the boats.


    P.s. Randy if you are going to do any longboard sanding I have a 3'-0" board you could barrow for the job if you need it.  email me at  steller_norm  and that is at "yahoo.com" sorry for splitting the email but I am getting more than enough spam already.

    Last modified: April 04, 2012 11:26 AM | Deleted user
  • April 07, 2012 11:23 AM
    Reply # 884352 on 867448
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I came home Friday after a great meal by Julie and Carmin at the equally great trailer park over looking the river next to Ladd's - it's a bit odd to see ocean freighters passing by in the narrow river outside your trailer. 

    Everyones pretty tired - but happy with the work being accomplished.  I've added 80+ images https://picasaweb.google.com/118204953757954821503/LaddsMarina# album and will be returning to the marina about noon today and heading home tonight.

    I also plan to organize the photos by subject later on.

    Norm:  I'll mention your concerns/ideas to the guys when I go back down.  I'll also mention the 3' fairing board. 

    We had a great crab dinner in the Stockton Yacht Club - club house... Great place.

    Last modified: April 07, 2012 11:24 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • April 08, 2012 12:12 AM
    Reply # 884591 on 867448
    Great photos.  Wish we could be there! 
  • April 08, 2012 8:45 AM
    Reply # 884750 on 867448
    Deleted user

    Two questions:

    1. Any evidence of water-logged rudders? Dry, they should weigh about 75#.

    2. Wouldn't the added hook-shape to the hull above and behind the prop, while making the rudder aperture appear smaller in a profile view, actually increase drag/turbulance?

  • April 08, 2012 7:31 PM
    Reply # 885022 on 867448
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dave:  I'll have to leave the second question to Dave King to answer - and he'll be away from computers for a while...

    While we didn't get to weigh the rudders - one had damage due to over tightening the SS strap hinges and a void inside.  None showed signs of weeping that I recall... but do take a look at the picasa album if you wish.

  • April 09, 2012 6:02 PM
    Reply # 885769 on 867448
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I'm not able to be at Ladd's this week (resting at work!) I've added a few images from Randy's Sunday work..

    Steve and Carmen VanTuyl drove many hours to Stockton to help with the project.  They stayed in the very nice trailer park next to Ladd's with river views. 

  • July 26, 2012 6:53 AM
    Reply # 1020254 on 867448

    I know a bow sprit spar was varnished when this event took place.  Can anybody tell me how many quarts of Interlux Perfection Plus 2-part varnish will be needed for a completely new varnishing job of 5-7 coats?  The stuff is expensive, and I don't want to purchase too much. 

    I also need to varnish the boomkin boards, boom gallows board, sampson posts, and the upper rudder boards.  So, my question expands to apply 5-7 coats of varnish to all of these wooden pieces.

    Can someone else inform me if the caprail wood is most likely teak?  Any recommendations here to varnish or teak oil and leave gray? 

    The project is coming along well.  I reached a new milestone the other day; no more filling of holes and bad spots.  On to fairing the hull.  Any input from Westsailors about how much time/money I should stick into fairing the hull?  Dave King mod's worth the effort?


  • July 27, 2012 7:19 PM
    Reply # 1024111 on 867448
    Deleted user
    We can't give you much info on the varnish but we believe the 
    Dave King Mod to be worth it especially if you're already hauled 
    out.  We originally were going to do it several years ago with 
    Randy on Tortuga but it fell through.  It means we will be able to sail 
    at much lower wind speeds than before, running the motor much less 
    witch is real important to us.  We never carry more than 60 gallons, 
    even on passages.  I also think it will increase the resale value. Below are 
    before and after pictures showing the gap closure, a great reduction in
    drag. It's really not that hard.  A lot easier than a blister job which we
    also did this spring.  We wish we had done this years ago.

    Last modified: July 27, 2012 7:20 PM | Deleted user