Re: Looking for a Staysail Boom and Sail for WS32

  • June 08, 2023 4:15 AM
    Message # 13212429

    Greeting WOA,

    I am looking for a serviceable Staysail Boom for WS32.  I can make one but just the 12'2" long 3" Diameter Aluminum tube will be over $1000 even before I machine a new pivot end, etc.  

    Also looking for a heavy ( 5 to 7oz) Staysail sail.

    Will take either or both depending on what you are selling and condition.



    Dana Point, CA

    June 8, 2023

    Last modified: June 08, 2023 4:16 AM | Anonymous member
  • June 08, 2023 8:27 AM
    Reply # 13212581 on 13212429
    Deleted user

    Hello Gigi,

    We have a staysail boom and fittings that were  removed from Questia when I rebuilt her bowsprit. Not sure I want to get rid of it yet but let’s talk and see how it works out.  

    if you’d like to give me a call that would be great. 

    Don (714) 788-4510