Happy Accident II

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  • February 06, 2011 9:06 AM
    Message # 516829
    Deleted user

    Sorry for the double post. Trying out the new forum. Web site looks great Jay et al.

    My neighbor was grinding metal on his boat and as a result I ended up with thousands of tiny rust spots on part of Rhapsody's topside gelcoat. I purchased a product called RustAid from Ace Hardware for $2.99 which worked just fine in removing the stains. Now for the good part. I am redoing the finish on my caprails and have quite a bit of black water staining around the bungs and joints. This product, which sprays out as a gel, got on some of my teak and did an absolutely fantastic job of bleaching out the wood. I tried some on the stained areas of the caprail and this stuff is way better than anything I have ever tried on teak. It does not eat the soft part, is harmless to gelcoat and sprays off clean leaving the teak looking like fresh wood. The ingredients are Oxalic and Hydrochloric acid. Must be mild 'cause it didn't burn my skin either.

  • February 06, 2011 9:17 AM
    Reply # 516839 on 516829
    Deleted user

    It's a rainy day and this is just too much fun.

  • February 07, 2011 8:19 AM
    Reply # 517461 on 516839
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Werner Hamp wrote:

    It's a rainy day and this is just too much fun.

    Werner - sounds like you have found a great solution -- now how did you post the image?
  • February 08, 2011 12:05 PM
    Reply # 518368 on 517461
    Jay Bietz wrote:
    Werner Hamp wrote:

    It's a rainy day and this is just too much fun.

    Werner - sounds like you have found a great solution -- now how did you post the image?
    Jay, reading through some of the wild apricot help, it appears you have to turn that on when you do the forum settings...
  • February 09, 2011 7:01 AM
    Reply # 518912 on 516829
    Deleted user

  • February 09, 2011 7:00 AM
    Reply # 518914 on 516829
    Werner - how are you posting the pictures?
  • February 09, 2011 7:20 AM
    Reply # 518924 on 516829
    Deleted user

    Hi Jay,

    Whoops, I was trying something and inadvertantly posted. This was a right click> copy and then right click> paste into the body of the post at the cursor. It only seems to work with images that have been published to a server i.e. copied from a web site as I tried it with a local JPEG image on my system and it doesn't work. The image of the Westsail in the previous post were copied from Google Images and then resized within the post.

     Pretty           cool stuff.

    I'm sure you recognize this image copied from your Picassa site.  On the left here is the image as it was pasted from your site. It was resizable to the larger image within the post. I will try a few more experiments and let you know the results without posting so as not to clutter this forum


    By the way, as Bud pointed out, he has often advised us of the properties of Oxalic and Hydrochloric acid for cleaning teak. I meant to convey anyone interested that the stuff I found is very user friendly and economical (cheap) compared to the acids and is easily and safely kept in the "cleaning supplies" locker.

  • February 09, 2011 7:22 AM
    Reply # 518926 on 516829
    Deleted user

    Hi Gary,

    See the post to Jay. Is it clear as mud?

  • February 09, 2011 7:23 AM
    Reply # 518930 on 518926

    Last modified: February 09, 2011 7:23 AM | Anonymous
  • February 09, 2011 7:24 AM
    Reply # 518931 on 518926
    Werner Hamp wrote:

    Hi Gary,

    See the post to Jay. Is it clear as mud?

    That was simple! Thanks Werner.

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