Your Fitting shown is not so much Lefiel; So It is a bit easier to make the part.
You can do it with a drill, small bench or angle grinder, and a tap.
Find the distance from the back of the end cap (inside the boom) to the front and it's diameter.
Buy a ss bolt 3/4" longer than this, and at the correct dim. (you can use washers to take up, up to 1/2")
Measure the space between the sides of your fitting shown in the picture then buy a 1 1/2" wide "Flat Bar" pc of 304 SS. that is as thick as the space between the sides on the fitting shown in your photo (3/4" or 1"?), drill a hole so a pin fits through it and have the pc so it sticks out the back edge of the fitting in the picture 3/4" to 1" beyond the back edge of the fitting, then drill and tap the back edge of the ss for the bolt. (grind as needed for looks) You may want to put a plastic washer between the end of the boom and the new ss pc.
Hope this helps