Boom gooseneck fitting

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  • February 11, 2016 8:20 PM
    Reply # 3817636 on 3790030
    Deleted user

    Gary thanks for the update:

    Another spot you may check is,  at the bottom of the page for the pin.  They may also have some the other gooseneck hardware.  10 years back they were very nice to work with, but as you note all things seam to change.

    I guess I will need to take even more care with my mast and its' parts.


    Last modified: February 11, 2016 8:21 PM | Deleted user
  • May 01, 2016 8:12 AM
    Reply # 3996927 on 3790030
    Deleted user

    Gary, any luck finding the piece you were looking for? I'm in a similar situation, putting the standing rigging on my parents' W32 back together and I'm missing the fitting that sits inside the cap. Here is what our gooseneck and boom look like.  photo unnamed_zpsinw79owy.jpg photo unnamed-1_zpsgctgjwe1.jpg

  • May 01, 2016 3:47 PM
    Reply # 3997471 on 3790030
    Deleted user


    Your Fitting shown is not so much Lefiel;  So It is a bit easier to make the part.

    You can do it with a drill, small bench or angle grinder, and a tap.

    Find the distance from the back of the end cap (inside the boom) to the front and it's diameter.

    Buy a ss bolt 3/4" longer than this, and at the correct dim. (you can use washers to take up, up to 1/2")

    Measure the space between the sides of your fitting shown in the picture then buy a 1 1/2" wide "Flat Bar" pc of 304 SS. that is as thick as the space between the sides on the fitting shown in your photo (3/4" or 1"?),  drill a hole so a pin fits through it and have the pc so it sticks out the back edge of the fitting in the picture 3/4" to 1" beyond the back edge of the fitting, then drill and tap the back edge of the ss for the bolt. (grind as needed for looks) You may want to put a plastic washer between the end of the boom and the new ss pc.

    Hope this helps


    Last modified: May 01, 2016 4:21 PM | Deleted user
  • May 03, 2016 8:46 AM
    Reply # 4000566 on 3997471
    Deleted user
    Norm Rhines wrote:


    Your Fitting shown is not so much Lefiel;  So It is a bit easier to make the part.

    You can do it with a drill, small bench or angle grinder, and a tap.

    Find the distance from the back of the end cap (inside the boom) to the front and it's diameter.

    Buy a ss bolt 3/4" longer than this, and at the correct dim. (you can use washers to take up, up to 1/2")

    Measure the space between the sides of your fitting shown in the picture then buy a 1 1/2" wide "Flat Bar" pc of 304 SS. that is as thick as the space between the sides on the fitting shown in your photo (3/4" or 1"?),  drill a hole so a pin fits through it and have the pc so it sticks out the back edge of the fitting in the picture 3/4" to 1" beyond the back edge of the fitting, then drill and tap the back edge of the ss for the bolt. (grind as needed for looks) You may want to put a plastic washer between the end of the boom and the new ss pc.

    Hope this helps


    Thanks for the advice! Going to give it a shot this weekend and see how it works.

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