Are you sure Lafiell is out of business?, there phones, facebook page (shows some one retiring on the 28th of Jan 2016) and their web site, all are still working. ????
And a bit of thought for any one with issues on finding old parts (Buy a lathe)
if you are building a boat (buy a lathe) it will pay for itself on the parts you will make for the boat. (blocks, shaft, goose neck, etc, etc, etc)
The fitting should be an easy turn with about 6"of
Now it might take 2 to 3 hrs to make it, but the material is only 30 Bucks + shipping. If you are charged for the labor, it may only run you 350.00 +/- to make one.
A side note: when I replaced mine 10 Years back I drilled a hole in the side of the boom and in the outer part of the Al. end block, then used a small drill and tap to install a zirk on the inner part that the above part fits into (Now I grease it with a grease gun) soooooo easy.