Running Halyards back to the cockpit

  • December 26, 2014 1:15 PM
    Message # 3176991
    Deleted user

    Hi everyone - does anyone have their halyards running back along the cabin top to the cockpit? I am contemplating this move and could use some advice (and maybe pictures).....

  • December 26, 2014 3:42 PM
    Reply # 3177034 on 3176991

    Hey Rosemary , I think it's a worth while thing to do . I did it on my first boat (O'Day 23). Sorry ,I don't have pics , but it's a simple thing to describe . The halyard comes down to a standing block at the mast base , then goes to what they call a deck organizer ( row of cheek blocks that bolts to the deck) . That gets the line in line to come back to underneath the dodger to a rope clutch , after the clutch is a winch . The clutch should have the ability to handle multiple lines , the set up for the main halyard would be side by side in the same clutch so you have the ability to lower the halyard and tighten up the reef line ( for example)   . Harken describes the set up in there catalog , I'm sure it's online .  Good luck I'm sure someone will post some nice pics, Mr. Burton are you set up lines aft ?

    Last modified: December 26, 2014 4:09 PM | Anonymous member
  • December 27, 2014 11:52 AM
    Reply # 3177267 on 3176991
    Deleted user

    My moto is more parts more problems. Running halyards to the cockpit is nuts in my opinion. Halyards are rarely used so the cost benefit doesn't seem right. Whats a good reason to run them to the already cramped cockpit? 

  • December 28, 2014 3:44 PM
    Reply # 3177527 on 3176991


    This is a good shot of the blocks at the mast and the lines going to the deck organizer and back to the dodger . Mark .

    Last modified: December 28, 2014 3:49 PM | Anonymous member
  • December 29, 2014 6:46 PM
    Reply # 3178061 on 3176991
    Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Here is how I rigged Pygmalion.  

     There is also other images under Members Area > Westsail Rigging - the slide show is clickable to the picasa album. 

    Of course this is one way... Granted the main halyard into the cockpit does add to the organization challenges (I found that sheet bags work pretty well) but I do like to be able to put in the first reef without leaving the cockpit.  The lines on the port side are for the lazy jacks and the forward and aft reef lines.  

    I do find that when I lower the main that I need to help fold the sail into the lazy jacks so I'm still at the mast.  I guess I'm 50 - 50 on the main sheet to the cockpit as better then just at the mast.  

    If you have a dodger cabin top does become crowded with lines, clutches and wenches/winches. 

    Also the lines in the cockpit can be a PITA with 4 folks in the cockpit... 



    Last modified: December 30, 2014 2:33 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • December 30, 2014 6:24 AM
    Reply # 3178219 on 3176991
    Deleted user


    I agree that the lines and clutches crowd the cockpit area but the wenches; those I don't mind too much.

  • December 30, 2014 2:32 PM
    Reply # 3178499 on 3176991
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Werner:  glad to know someone reads the posts!!