Deck painting and crazing repair

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  • November 22, 2014 4:40 PM
    Reply # 3156292 on 3121323
    Deleted user
    Did u find the crazing returned in just the nonskid areas or throughout the project. Im looking at the tuff coat, but would really love to see it on a boat. Anyone in the bay area using this? Thanks for this update!
  • November 23, 2014 11:03 AM
    Reply # 3156550 on 3121323

    Kind of throughout. I'm going to chalk it all up to some mistake on our behalf. Don't know what that mistake would've been as I thought we prepared as well as possible, but clearly something didn't work!

    If you do some Google searching, especially on cruisers forum, you can find a bunch of photos of it on boat decks. I've seen it firsthand and it looks and feels great, and they claim that it has excellent filling properties, and being elastomeric, it will flex with a deck. It's very similar to the bedliner material Larry mentioned earlier. They even advertise it as an excellent bedliner.


    Last modified: November 23, 2014 11:05 AM | Anonymous member
  • November 24, 2014 6:41 AM
    Reply # 3157012 on 3121323

    I used Shercrete (sherwood williams) product that is made for concrete areas around pools.  It is a latex product that is very thick with non skid in it.

    has covered all flaws and filled cracks and been on the boat for more than 3 years now.

    best part:  less than 50 bucks per gallon!  did the whole deck and cabin top in two coats.

    this was Bud Taplin's suggestion, and it worked great.


  • November 24, 2014 10:59 AM
    Reply # 3157219 on 3121323
    Deleted user

    I wonder how well this will cover over the existing factory non skid?  Also..when it does begin to deteriorate, how easy is it to get off, again thinking about the factory nonskid.  This would solve the majority of my problems on the nonskid areas, and I could prob. fair out the areas I want to use perfection on.  I will have to reevaluate how much crazing is in which area...I have quite a bit...I'm grateful for everyone's suggestions, and if anyone has pics, I would love to see! 

  • November 25, 2014 4:01 AM
    Reply # 3157684 on 3121323
    Deleted user


    I also used a concrete paint with very satisfactory results per Bud's advice. It is Floor Tex by Seal Krete available from Home Depot. It is coming up in small areas after a year of use where I went over Kiwi Grip which was not sanded well enough prior to application of the product. To get an even texture I used the Kiwi Grip "Loopy Goopy" roller and applied two coats. I'm finding that it is difficult to keep clean and requires quite a bit of scrubbing with a deck brush. When weather permits, I will touch up the failed areas and apply  the satin clear seal also by Seal Krete. The product is tintable in a variety of colors and costs about $ 25,00 a gallon with 2 1/2 gallons to do the job.


    Last modified: November 25, 2014 4:12 AM | Deleted user
  • November 25, 2014 5:48 AM
    Reply # 3157706 on 3121323

    Hey Rich,

    Interesting idea. I remember reading that in Bud's manual at the time we were repainting, but there wasn't a specific product recommendation, so whenever I found some pool deck coating, I always seemed to be able to find negative information about it from the marine community; (ie poor adhesion, chemical stains, not textured enough, too textured, etc.)

    How was the prep for the SherCrete? Did you prime prior to application? 

    As all of this over factory nonskid, well that shouldn't be a problem as long as you have been able to prepare the surface well. Probably use a wire brush attachment that will allow you to get in to all the grooves and you'll be golden. Just be sure it's stainless or brass bristles to avoid rust flecks windup up everywhere in a few weeks.


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