Bowsprit rot?

  • April 22, 2014 12:09 AM
    Message # 1541714
    Deleted user
    Hi great sages of all things Westsail

    Does anyone else have a groove in the underside of their sprit with a strip of wood in it? I have been redoing the brightwork and noticed what looks like rot in this area just forward of the fitting the bolts it to the bow. I can try to add the picture with link later on but would appreciate some thoughts.....
  • April 22, 2014 6:57 PM
    Reply # 1542144 on 1541714
    Anonymous member (Administrator)


    In 2012, during Tortuga's refit - Doug Lamb cut in a dado and White Oak was epoxied in place to provide a tougher wood for the bolts.  Maybe this is what you are seeing?

    Link to the images



  • April 23, 2014 6:07 AM
    Reply # 1542287 on 1541714
    Deleted user
    Hi Jay - I uploaded a picture to my photo album - we launch next week and will be putting the mast up shortly after that. I am worried about putting the mast up - I'm not sure the extent of the problem but Stephane suggested I put a piece of paper into the groove to see how deep it is - seems like a good idea so once I get back to Kingston, I'll do that. He also suggested cutting into the area and replacing the rot - since I am afraid of heights :) and not really sure of myself on the woodworking end of things, I am reluctant to attempt it. 


  • April 23, 2014 7:11 PM
    Reply # 1542686 on 1541714
    Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Try this link

    Looking at the image - I'm very concerned as to the amount of delmination and the depth of the cracks. Try to probe the cracks to see how deep the crack is and how long - can you photo survey the bowsprit and post / email the images? 

    I'm very concerned as to the lack of strength of your bowsprit.   

    10 years ago I removed/replaced Pygmalions bowsprit.  The original bowsprit looked pretty good but split apart with a screw driver and a slight twist in the small cracks between the laminates. 


    Last modified: April 23, 2014 7:45 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • April 25, 2014 12:28 PM
    Reply # 1543501 on 1541714
    Deleted user
    Thanks Jay - we did dig out the hole a bit and it's MUCH bigger than it looks. After consultation with Bud, we have decided to go with a SS sprit and await putting the mast up under that's installed. The hard part will be figuring out how to get it here!
  • April 25, 2014 5:44 PM
    Reply # 1543597 on 1541714
    Just have Andrew come to Costa Mesa, put the bowsprit over his shoulder, and start walking back to Ontario (Canada, not So Cal).
  • April 26, 2014 5:35 AM
    Reply # 1543688 on 1541714
    Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Sounds great - I wish I would have had lugs welded on for a windless - would have made mounting much easier when/if I get a windless. 

    When you have your existing sprit removed - do check for wood rot inside the deck around the bolt holes and any other penetrations in the area.

    I didn't have rot but ended up refilling the holes with epoxy and redrilling the holes for alignment purposes.

    The best way IMHO (when you have the correct new bolt hole location) is to end up with the wood between the outer and inner skin of fiberglass replaced with an epoxy plug with the bolt hole in the center.  That way all moisture is kept away from the wood.  

    Here is a link to one of many ways to  prevent core rot.  here is a image from page 2

    #654 Bit - Cut-A-Way of Potted Deck Hole

    Also check out butyl tape as a sealent to prevent water penetration.

    Another Illustration

    images from the url above.

    Link to Dani and Tate blog on removing their bowsprit...

    Hope this helps


    Last modified: April 26, 2014 6:43 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • April 27, 2014 5:07 AM
    Reply # 1543905 on 1541714
    Deleted user
    The ongoing saga - bowsprit removal with the boat on the cradle and skipper who's afraid of heights.
    We managed to get the sprit off by taking all the pieces off first - I hid below and installed a new V-Berth fan while Andrew (who is much braver than I) climbed out the end of the sprit and took off the pulpit and platforms. Both came off really easily and the platforms were rot free. We had an incidental finding of old running light wiring in the pulpit that was an old length of yellow extension cord! The bolts through our fibreglass riser and the sampson posts came out relatively easily as well. 
    My clever husband wedged our winter ladder under the end of the sprit just aft of the eyeband so when we had it loose, it didn't fall to the ground. It was easy for us just to pull it onto the foredeck then lower it to the ground. Overall, it took about 3 hours to do - then another hour to clean up all the old sealant and spider crap.

    It looks like all the bolt holes are nice and dry - I had previously removed the windlass and did what you suggested with its mounting bolts. There was some water in the deck there that had compromised the sampson posts as well. I followed the instructions in Don Casey's book for dealing with that problem, ending up drilling 10 holes in the area forward of the posts and filling with epoxy plus doing as you suggested with the windlass holes. New sampson posts made of white oak rounded out that project.

    I'm excited about the welded platform for the windlass on the new SS bowsprit. The wooden blocks are always a place for dog hair and spider nests to collect and I am a really tidy girl so am constantly cleaning! Plus the idea of being able to fill four holes in the deck appeals to me.
  • April 28, 2014 4:44 PM
    Reply # 1544572 on 1541714
    Anonymous member (Administrator)


    You are making good progress on the repairs... my teak platforms were also rot free and cleaned up nicely for reuse.  

    I will mention that I've rewired 2 bow pulpits and both had "extra" wire inside just waiting to mess up pulling new wires into the tubing...

    do you have images of the deck repair with all the holes?  Sound interesting.


    Last modified: April 28, 2014 4:44 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • April 29, 2014 11:42 AM
    Reply # 1544964 on 1541714
    Deleted user
    Sadly Jay, I did it before I had a cell phone so no ready camera and the filled holes are mostly covered now with my new non-skid paint job.
    I've got a good bunch of pictures for the bowsprit job though. Will add them to my album.