Portlight help, advice

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  • March 26, 2013 11:16 AM
    Reply # 1252222 on 1250975


    If your boat is moored in the Seattle area, I'd be happy to stop by and give you a quick lesson on portlight rebedding.  I'm scheduled to be in Seattle Thursday morning for some meetings and I have the afternoon open.


  • March 26, 2013 7:28 PM
    Reply # 1252526 on 1250975
    Deleted user

    That's a very kind thing to do. I really need some advice and I would return the kindness and offer to pay your gas, or beer, or dinner or all of the above. 
    Problem is I am in Olympia but like I said I'd pay gas. If you can't make it then I still consider your offer a very kind thing. 

    Last modified: March 26, 2013 7:29 PM | Deleted user
  • March 27, 2013 9:41 AM
    Reply # 1252939 on 1250975


    Unfortunately I have to be home by 4pm on Thursday, so driving to Olympia and back is not in the cards for Thursday.  But, I might be able to get to Olympia next Tuesday afternoon if you are available.


  • March 27, 2013 9:41 PM
    Reply # 1253523 on 1250975
    Deleted user
    Ill be out of town for a few weeks after this week. Thanks again for the offer, 

  • March 28, 2013 6:31 AM
    Reply # 1253671 on 1251489
    Norm Rhines wrote:on the super stuck portlights (might be 5200)?
    3M makes a release for the stuff  = devils glue release

      rumor has it that glycol (anti freeze) chews 5200 up +/-  I don't know personally, but in the rumor mill they say it is so.

    I tried that stuff... 'Debond' I think it's called.  Pretty expensive and it didn't work worth a damn.

    At least for me.  While trying it I was perplexed at just how the liquid could 'wick' between the surfaces to release the bond.
  • April 08, 2013 9:26 PM
    Reply # 1263769 on 1250975
    Deleted user
    I am getting an order ready for Bud but need to know if I measure the port windows from center to center on the inside piece that opens into the cabin? 

    I think I have six 9" ports and four 7.5" ports. Also I think my gasket is .25" thick and looks square (white color) does this sound right? If I could only post photos :(
  • April 09, 2013 7:56 AM
    Reply # 1264088 on 1250975

    The portlights are referred to as 4", 6" and 8". I know how much gasket material is needed for each size port.  The white gasket is no longer used,, as it does not last as long as the black gasket.  I have plenty of it in stock.
  • April 09, 2013 8:04 AM
    Reply # 1264103 on 1250975
    Deleted user
    Thanks Bud - you'll be hearing from us soon as my list is growing. So many projects to complete...
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