Samson Posts

  • November 05, 2012 4:28 AM
    Message # 1126642
    Has anyone had any experience removing old samson posts from a W32? Whose idea was it to use round headed carriage bolts? I cannot get the nuts to turn without turning the whole bolt. If there are any secrets to this, I would appreciate the input. I am thinking I am going to have to cut each of the bolts out of the posts and take them out piecemeal. I cannot even see the bottom of the posts--I hope they are not secured somehow at the bottom.
  • November 05, 2012 8:00 AM
    Reply # 1126755 on 1126642
     If the head turns see if you can get a visegrip on the head. You might have to dig into the wood a bit but you should be able to get a bite on it. Plus I spray penetrating oil on them and let them sit a bit.  It really helps loosen the nuts.
  • November 05, 2012 8:06 AM
    Reply # 1126763 on 1126642
    I tried the penetrating oil already. I may follow your suggestion with the vise grips.
  • November 05, 2012 9:00 AM
    Reply # 1126818 on 1126642
    Deleted user
    We used the vise grip method on all but one. It took both of us but we managed not to scratch up the bulkhead. The last one we cut the nut off with a sawsall and drove it out with a hammer. Ours did not go past the bottom of the bulkhead.  We did this to replace the sampson posts with with SS ones.

    Last modified: November 05, 2012 9:16 AM | Deleted user