Hawse Pipes!!! Again

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  • October 11, 2012 8:38 AM
    Message # 1100999
    Deleted user
    Hawse Pipes!!!  Again

    Need to get a group order going. Who fabbed the last order.  Thanks.
  • October 11, 2012 10:04 AM
    Reply # 1101057 on 1100999

    I might be in depending on price.! Keep informed please.



  • October 12, 2012 12:21 PM
    Reply # 1101987 on 1100999
    Deleted user

    Hi again Edward,

    All the info can be found here:


    Again, I am not sure the pipes that I can have made are the same as what was used on the 42s.

    Also, I need $100 deposit on each hawsepipe before I will commission a new run - I can't afford to finance the whole thing. If you want four hawsepipes, that means a $400 deposit.

    There is a minimum run of 14 sets, the price goes down if the volume goes up (multiples of 14).

    Let me know what you come up with.



    Last modified: October 12, 2012 12:24 PM | Deleted user
  • October 12, 2012 5:23 PM
    Reply # 1102149 on 1100999
    Deleted user
    ABI used to make them.  The Pipes for the W43 are 3in inside and 5 inch outside (1" flange)

    There is a co. in Germany that may have them off the shelf9http://www.toplicht.de ).  For now I ordered a 3" exhaust thru hull which is out of polymer because I need it fixed ASAP from http://bpi.ebasicpower.com/pc/MUFTH-030-0000/ALL5D. 

    Eventually I'll need real bronze Hawse pipes.  Am looking for others in the same situation so that perhaps we can do a group order either through Toplicht or Stephen's contacts.  Port Townsend said they'd make them too.  I surmised that economy of scale may help Westsailor's get a group deal.
  • October 16, 2012 6:05 PM
    Reply # 1105803 on 1100999
    Deleted user
    FYI.  The "3 inch exhaust pipe thru-hulls" arrived from Basic Power Industries.  They were $31 each x 2 plus shipping equals $74 total.  They are beefy black fiberglass reinforced plastic.  Look made for the job.  Arrived in 3 days.  After I install I'll take a pic and post.

    Not factory but functional--the brightside no corrosion.

  • October 17, 2012 7:05 AM
    Reply # 1106260 on 1100999

    Edward, keep us informed and pictures! I am interested in how it comes out for you.


  • October 17, 2012 1:33 PM
    Reply # 1106574 on 1100999
    Deleted user
    Will do.  I have a scupper under that Hawse so I am also adding a thru-hull to drain it properly.
  • November 05, 2012 7:12 AM
    Reply # 1126720 on 1100999
    Regarding hawse pipes, I have a couple of observations after installing one of Stephen's (original design) as a scupper, and two of the cast bronze that Bud sold (one as a scupper, and one as a hawse pipe.) Regarding the original design spun pipes, if your space is longer than would allow an overlap of at least a centimeter of the edges, the result is really suboptimal. Whereas with the cast type you can use two of the longer sections cut to fit, you do not have that option with the spun type. Second, the cast pipes never seem to properly align in the rubber hose (in my two installations anyway.) Generally, I like the cast pipes better, and they are much more robust. I wonder if they would align better if the outer surface of the pipe were threaded and the pipe put together with a coupler (like a real pipe) rather than inside a section of exhaust hose. 
  • November 05, 2012 7:45 AM
    Reply # 1126742 on 1100999
    Frank, where did you find the cast hawse pipes? I was given 3 sets by a friend of mine and need one more set.
  • November 05, 2012 8:20 AM
    Reply # 1126775 on 1100999
    Deleted user
    What I did for an interim fix which is working well is to buy the 3" ABS exhaust thruhulls and a piece of 3" ID ABS pipe.  The result is fairly robust although still plastic.  Keep to bronze if possible because they are heavy and good.  I needed a repair so went with what I could cobble together.  My fix will last for years until I get around to a better bronze "permanent" fix.
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