
  • June 03, 2014 8:30 AM
    Message # 1559846
    Deleted user
    I am currently in the market for a new anchor for my Westsail 32.  What do you all recommend.
  • June 03, 2014 10:09 AM
    Reply # 1559868 on 1559846
    Deleted user
    I've got TAMZIN rigged with a 35# CQR and 200 feet of 3/8" chain on the windlass for serious anchoring and a 30# claw with about 30 feet of 1/4" chain next to it with 150 feet of nylon rode as a lunch hook or easy overnight anchoring.  Off the stern is a 15# Danforth with about 10 foot of 1/4 inch chain plus nylon rode for whatever.  The CQR seems to be about the right size but the 3/8" chain is a bit of overkill and would be really tough to get up if the windlass ever failed......5/16" would probably been a better choice.
    Last modified: June 03, 2014 10:10 AM | Deleted user
  • June 04, 2014 6:00 AM
    Reply # 1560106 on 1559846
    My .02 is to stay with the tried and true... CQR, Bruce, Danforth/Fortress, etc. and not cheaper imitations.  It's not just looking alike that matters. It's how and what they're made of.

    The type needed is determined by what type of holding ground you will likely encounter (sand, mud, rock, etc.).  I always say 'When in Rome...'. You might look around your marina, see what common type others are using.

    For my Caribbean based W32 (mostly sand or mud) I have a 45# CQR on 150' 3/8 HT chain and a 35# CQR with 20' 3/8" chain and 150' of 3/4' three strand nylon rode up front.

    I also have a 35# Bruce on about 10' of 3/8" chain and 100' of 3/4" rode stowed as backup in the lazarette.

    I also had a 'throwaway' 20# Danforth (yet to be replaced) I lost trying to kedge off a car sized boulder that rolled off a seawall.

    My personal philosophy is don't skimp.  Anchors are like brakes on a car. You can never have too much or too heavy ground tackle. Plan for the worst and hope for the best. The only limiting factor is what you can handle.  Even so, I'd have a 100# fisherman on chain if I knew how I could stow it so it would be readily available. I would much rather lose an anchor for whatever reason than the boat.
  • June 05, 2014 9:10 AM
    Reply # 1560446 on 1559846
    For cruising in the Puget Sound area on our W28 we use a 35# Delta on 175" of 5/16" G4 chain as our primary and a 35# CQR with 50" of 5/16" chain with 150" of 5/8" 3 strand line for our second bow anchor.  We carry a 20HT Danforth attached to 30" of 5/16" G4 chain and 200' of 1/2" line on our stern anchor rode.   
  • June 09, 2014 9:26 AM
    Reply # 1561033 on 1559846
    Deleted user
    we use a 45 lb. delta with 100 ft. 3/8ths high test chain and 200 ft line.

    works great, but also have an electric windlass.

  • March 18, 2015 5:01 PM
    Reply # 3257822 on 1559846

    Rich Morpurgo, that sounds about right.

    I had a 45lb CQR with 300' of chain on my bow. To much weight out on the bow. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), I left that anchor at the bottom of the Tombigbee Waterway in Alabama and am now in the market. Any one have any experience with a Rocna out on the bowsprit?

  • March 19, 2015 11:30 AM
    Reply # 3258739 on 1559846

    1 - 35# CQR & 300' of chain

    1 - 35# CQR & 50' chain + 200' rode

    1 - 20# fluke with 200' rode 

    I would suggest finding a place for the chain as low as possible and a way to feed it up into the locker when you want to use it. Perhaps somewhere center to aft would be ideal. The storage locker is well above the waterline and 300' of chain throws off the balance quite a bit , not to mention it being forward heavy. I was lucky to have an old black-water tank that was never used under the forward double berth with a deck plate fitting so I keep it down there. 

    If I had to start over again I would do a 45 #'er rocna or vulcan with 300' of new chain for my biggest tackle. Then the CQR for my second chain. I like the fluke for times when a single point may not hold, like on a rocky shore.

  • March 20, 2015 5:41 PM
    Reply # 3260162 on 1559846
    Deleted user

    why would anyone want to put 300 feet of chain in the forepeak.  

    Westsails hobbyhorse enough in a short chop as it is.  That chain up front would make it way worse.
