Mark, I know what you are saying but Gary isn't being a wet blanket he's being truthful. If anyone would know what it costs it would be Gary as he bought Elizabeth Ann in somewhat the same manner, although she was in a lot better condition. Actually she has one of the most gorgeous interiors I've seen. Gary has done a lot to get her in tip-top shape and I'll bet it hasn't been cheap. So if anyone would know it would be Gary. Honestly I think 200K would be low to get that boat in full cruising condition.
It's not bursting someone's bubble or a being a wet blanket but simply being realistic. It really warms my heart to see these boats brought back to life and I hope all are successful, but most won't be. I always wonder when someone tackles a project like this if they really understand what they are getting into. I doubt it, I know we didn't and ours was Bristol when we bought her. Through the years I've seen Westsails go from owner to owner most with the honest intention of going cruising. For a lot of reasons but mostly I think it's discovering the commitment of work and money that the dream fades and the boat goes to the next owner. A cruising friend still had an old article written by a researcher/cruiser who did his own five year study. He had a real good criteria on determining who were honestly convinced they were going cruising. It turns out less than 4% ever made it.
I understand the lure of "pay as you go" but it really is a false economy. The cheapest way to buy a cruising boat is find one that's recently outfitted the way you want and pay top dollar for it. You'll be money ahead. We tracked every cent we spent on purchasing and improvements, excluding maintenance, berth fees etc. and the amount is unbelievable. Our original intention was to buy a new Crealock 37 and were talking to the factory. A recession changed our minds and we bought our Westsail. Now twenty years later I realize I really didn't save that much overall. Don't get me wrong we don't regret our decision and love the boat, but knowing what we know now we might have made a different decision.
I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade but I think if people are more realistic they can make adjustments to their plans and many more would be successful. Our two year cruise was the adventure of a lifetime and the best two years of our lives.