Should have cruised a Westsail

  • April 25, 2011 2:34 PM
    Message # 577345
    A friend sent me these videos about a cruise ship near the Japanese tsunami.

    I looked at the outside view here first. My reaction was, "So what.  Thats what boats do at sea."

    Then I looked at the inside view here.  Horror.  I thought, "Oh no, loose furniture.  Suicidal."

  • April 25, 2011 2:59 PM
    Reply # 577352 on 577345
    The exterior shot was probably taken during a storm, not a tsunami; the interior one would be the same guess. 
  • April 25, 2011 5:52 PM
    Reply # 577496 on 577345
    Yeah both of those videos have been around for a while... before the Japan Tsunami.

    The Tsunami would probably be undetectable if out deeper than 100 fathoms or so.... just a very "wide" swell that may not be much higher than other waves at the time.