Why no New England rendezvous...ever

  • April 13, 2014 2:08 PM
    Message # 1537003

    I understand that there are fewer Westsails in the NE, and yes, I understand that we New Englanders are a private independent bunch, but why no rendezvous?  I keep hoping someone will want to "circle up the wagons" but never a peep from anyone. 

    Though it would be hard to leave our mid-coast Maine territory, we would gladly venture a bit to the south for a little camaraderie.

    Would anyone ever come to Maine?

  • April 13, 2014 5:51 PM
    Reply # 1537087 on 1537003
    Anonymous member (Administrator)


    You have a great question and Dick Mills our Rondy Coordinator should be in touch soon... I've opened up the New England Rendezvous page and I'll also point out the New England Rendezvous Forum...

    Jay Bietz

    WOA Webmaster

  • April 15, 2014 12:29 PM
    Reply # 1538349 on 1537003
    Deleted user

    We are almost done with the restoration of our Westsail 42, Harmony.  While we may not be ready for a sail from Marion, MA, to Maine this summer, we would certainly make tracks there for a rendezvous.  We do relish our cruising grounds in Buzzards Bay, but having lived on the Maine coast decades ago, I have a serious hankering for returning down east under sail.

    I know there are Westsail vessels in New England.  I also know its tough to get us all together.   At any rate, once Harmony has passed all of her shakedown tests, we would certainly voyage to a rendezvous.  If we couldn't sail, we would certainly consider driving there just to introduce ourselves and make new connections.

  • April 18, 2014 5:21 AM
    Reply # 1540213 on 1537003

    Thank you Jay and Doug for responding. 

    I think it's a bit too late in the season for me to undertake the organization of a rendezvous but I would certainly consider it for the 2015 season.  It would feel more reassuring if more people had responded to this query but creating interest for a NE rendezvous may simply require a longer sustained effort.  I believe there was a well planned and promoted  event back in 2007 that unfortunately had very low attendance.  Maybe direct contact with owners using a NE and Eastern Canada directory would reach those who don't actively use the WOA's web site.

    In the meantime, JURA will keep poking around Maine and the Maritimes and we will be scheming about a 2015 rendezvous. 

  • April 19, 2014 8:47 AM
    Reply # 1540840 on 1537003
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Paul: Sounds good - members can find other members at this link.  http://www.westsail.org/memberdirectory?&tab=2  by many different values in their contact information. 

    Dick Mills our new Rendezvous Coorinator is your contact  with more details.
