Port Light gasket replacement

  • May 21, 2012 11:04 AM
    Message # 926496
    Deleted user

    Bud, as I continue to restore WS42 #91, I have noticed that the gasket material on most, if not all of the port lights has either dried out, cracked/crumbled, or separated into pieces,  Actually, on sum ports, all three conditions have been experienced.

    Is there a source company or a current supply source for this gasket material?  Additionally, if the original gasket material is not available anymore, what would you recommend to use for replacement? 

    It would make sense to replace all of the gaskets, if I am replacing one.  I had looked for prior posts on this topic, but have yet to find one.

    Thanks muchly, Bud.


    s/v Harmony #91

  • May 23, 2012 5:04 PM
    Reply # 928913 on 926496
    I have the gasket material available, and it is my Westsail Service Manual, Page C-3.  Send me an email and I can tell you what you need, and supply it.  btaplin@westsail.com  
  • May 25, 2012 9:05 AM
    Reply # 930319 on 926496
    Deleted user

    Thanks Bud!  I will be down on Harmony, # 91, tomorrow, and will inventory all of the opening ports, as well as provide an estimate of lenght of gasket.  I will also check out the manual.

    Thanks again!


  • June 02, 2012 11:33 AM
    Reply # 941244 on 926496
    Deleted user

    Bud, I took an inventory of opening ports on Harmony, # 91, and she has 2 large opening ports (Galley) @ 21" x 10", 1 medium opening port (aft galley starboard) @ 14" x 8", and 17 small opening ports (all other areas) @ 8" x 5". 

    Since the large ports are more retangular than the others, I used a simple retangle perimeter calculation.  I am sure you have a more accurate measurement.  Given the age of the boat (1976), and what I can see as little maintenance over the last several years, I suspect I will have to re-gasket all of the ports.  I opened one of the small ports and the entire gasket came out in pieces:  I assume the same elsewhere.  However on the large galley ports, the gasket is dried and compressed and does not hold out the pooling of water that occurs in all of the ports.

    Using the simple retangle perimeter calculation, I came up with roughly 10.5 feet for the large hatches (channel looks to be 1/4" width), 4.0 feet for the medium port (3/8" channel width), and 37.0 feet for the small ports (3/8" channel width).  These measurements do not leave any room for installer error.

    I would be interested in what your more knowledgeable measurements are.  I trust your amounts more than mine!  Additionally, if my channel width estimates are not correct, I defer to your knowledge.

    I will await your response and then order what you suggest.  Thanks again for all of your support and help!


  • June 05, 2012 5:12 PM
    Reply # 947481 on 926496


    I will email you the page from my Westsail Service Manual, Page C-3, regarding the replacement portlight gasket material that I have.