• March 17, 2012 11:55 AM
    Message # 861532
    Deleted user
    Bud, There is another group buy on the Cape Horn wind vanes happening. Would it be possible to send out an email mass mailing to all Westsailor owners on your list? They can get all contact info on the WOA Group Buy Forum. Thanks, Will & Claudette
  • March 17, 2012 1:20 PM
    Reply # 861574 on 861532
    Thanks Will. here's an update on our progress. 

    We first wanted to see if there would be enough interest in a group buy to warrant contacting Yves. As e-mails began arriving in Leslie's in-box, we contacted Aaron to get his expertise as a previous facilitator of a very successful buy, and fired off an e-mail to Cape Horn. Based on Yves response to previous group purchases, Cape Horn will offer a standard discount rate of 15% for three orders, 20% for 10, and 25% for 15 or more. We are waiting to see if this is still the case. 

    It looks like discounts are only offered when the quantity is for the same model purchase. Our next step (after hearing back from Cape Horn) is to find out which models people want, and if they are willing to provide a down payment.

    We currently have eight people on Leslie's contact list wanting a Cape Horn.

    The lovely Ms Leslie Bosch is doing a wonderful job coordinating this effort, so if anyone has any questions or would like to become a part of this purchase, in the interest of efficiency and to avoid duplication, please e-mail Leslie at:

    Thanks, Eric
  • March 17, 2012 3:50 PM
    Reply # 861637 on 861532
    As I mentioned earlier, we are waiting to hear from Yves. In the meantime, I've been rummaging through the archives, reading communications between the WOA members involved in the last purchase. It appears that the way the process worked is that one person compiled a list of the buyers and sent the list to Yves at Cape Horn.

    Each individual buyer then sends his deposit directly to Cape Horn. Balance due upon completion of gear.

    "The Great Purchase," as the last group buy has become known in folk history, was initiated in the month of May but because Yves builds the backlogged, non-discounted purchaser's gear before the discounted people's gear, the building didn't actually begin until June. The first dozen units were available for delivery in the middle of October and people began to receive them in November.

    In light of the previous buyers experience with long lead times, I think we should move as quickly as possible. We will be ordering ours two months earlier and I expect the final delivery date will reflect that.