Strictly Sail Pacific - Boat Show

  • April 05, 2014 1:04 PM
    Message # 1532035
    Ahoy! Are there any Westsailors that are planning on attending the Strictly Sail Pacific sailboat show next week/weekend? 4/10-13
    It would be fun to coordinate a time/date to connect with folks at the show. 
    There is a sponsored TGIF Friday night get together from 6-8pm or a Cruising Outpost Cruisers party on Saturday eve starting at 7pm.  Thoughts? 

    Randy W32 Tortuga

  • April 05, 2014 2:55 PM
    Reply # 1532073 on 1532035
    Deleted user
    Sounds like a plan...
  • April 06, 2014 5:10 PM
    Reply # 1532492 on 1532035
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Randy:  Pam and I will have to pass this year - the master bath project needs attention. 

    Have fun..
