is there a way to search the forum?

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  • June 30, 2012 9:00 AM
    Message # 988943
    I can't see the utility of this board.  I can't easily see what has been posted recently, I can't seem to search for anything, and can't find the way to subscribe to topics like the website says I can.

    Can anyone offer a primer on how all this can be done?  I am sure I could find good info on the projects I have to do.  I am replacing my bowsprit and rudder cheeks.

    I would imagine these have been done before and there would be some info.

    Jasmine W32
    toolowd AT aol DOT com
  • June 30, 2012 12:07 PM
    Reply # 989056 on 988943
    Deleted user
    welcome to the club,
    westsail owners alliance website has very valuable info for you.
  • July 01, 2012 5:27 AM
    Reply # 989510 on 988943
    rich morpurgo wrote:I can't see the utility of this board.  I can't easily see what has been posted recently, I can't seem to search for anything, and can't find the way to subscribe to topics like the website says I can.

    Can anyone offer a primer on how all this can be done?  I am sure I could find good info on the projects I have to do.  I am replacing my bowsprit and rudder cheeks.

    I would imagine these have been done before and there would be some info.

    Jasmine W32
    toolowd AT aol DOT com

    Rich... as you know I have been replacing my bowsprit.  I'm being helped (it is a two man job) by another that just replaced the bowsprit on his W32.  I'm this >||< close to putting it all back together so if you have any questions feel free to ask.

    If you haven't picked up on them there are a couple recent threads in the 'In the yard' forum concerning bowsprits.  There could be more but as you say there is no way to search.

  • July 01, 2012 5:42 AM
    Reply # 989513 on 988943
    Deleted user
    I don't understand why people say there is no way to search - there is a google widget at the bottom of the main page that I use for searching all the time. It does bring up other websites as well as, including Jack Webb's, which is the old forum (most of it, anyway) and the new.

  • July 01, 2012 7:57 AM
    Reply # 989581 on 988943
    google searching the web is not searching this board.  

    I didn't realize that all the years of posts are not available anymore.   Seems like when I built my boat there was more info from the association available.  that was 1997 or so.  I know there was a lot of great info here then.

    shame it seems gone.
  • July 01, 2012 9:16 AM
    Reply # 989602 on 988943
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The old forum is in PDF format and available for download and can be searched with Adobe Reader.  I wish that the forum DB was searchable by Google but it is not and I can't change it.  I'm hoping that the Wild Apricot folks will provide that feature in the future.

    Rich - I'm interested in what information you are missing from the old site - outside the old forum.

    In the members area

    Covers a recient Bowsprit rebuild that may cover your questions.



    Last modified: July 01, 2012 9:22 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • July 01, 2012 11:40 AM
    Reply # 989684 on 988943

    Except for the most recent posts, your best (and virtually only) solution is to search my site at If you want to maximize your searches, click on the "Search Help" button next to the search box. It has a very powerful search engine, but like all search engines (including Google), you need to know how to use the different parameters to enhance the efficiency of your search. I tried to make the options clear, but clear to one may not be clear to someone else.

    I also "wish that the forum DB was searchable by Google". But since it was not, I did change it.

    For the record, the archives at also contain recent posts. In addition, I provide link-backs to the current forum threads, when possible. (I may, at some point remove these link-backs, simply due to the changeable and inconsistent nature of the Wild Apricot programming on the new forum. 

    You will not find ALL of the new threads on, as it is extremely time consuming for me to parse out the new posts... also due to Wild Apricot's poor programming.  I'm also very busy trying to finish a full refit on Drifter, which leaves me little time to do so. Nonetheless, it's still your best alternative to find things.

    If you'd like to see the massive difference that good programming and effective page indexing can do for a site, look at the following two examples. These are identical searches for the word "Westsail", but created such that one performs a Google search only on "" and the other searches only

    Now consider that the search includes all the page in the entire WOA site, but the search on only contains forum pages. (The result counts I show were at the time this post was created. When I update the site with the most recent threads, this number will increase dramatically.) 

    Most people would have no way of know this, but almost all of the links that are found on forum are found indirectly, as a result of post-backs from my site, That's pretty much the only reason you are able to find any posts whatsoever, on the current forum.

    So make use of the Archives while you can. And if one day soon, someone sends me the missing year's worth of archives in HTML format (as promised a year ago), I'll even keep it online at my continued expense.


    Last modified: July 01, 2012 8:12 PM | Anonymous member
  • July 01, 2012 12:53 PM
    Reply # 989769 on 988943


    I'm struggling with the current website myself but "it is what it is". I just replaced my bowsprit with Bud's SS Box Beam Sprit. Almost a drop in replacement except my Samson Posts had to be slimmed down a bit to accomodate the 4" beam. The original sprit had its cheeks removed, to fit into the 3 1/2 " space. Bud sent a sheet from the factory manual bowsprit install and I redlined the dimesions specific to my boat. His fabricator faithfully transformed drawing details into hardware allowing me to install it singlehanded with no need to fill and drill. Stop by if you're in the area and check it out.


  • July 01, 2012 1:38 PM
    Reply # 989814 on 988943
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    rich morpurgo wrote:I can't see the utility of this board.  I can't easily see what has been posted recently, I can't seem to search for anything, and can't find the way to subscribe to topics like the website says I can.

    Can anyone offer a primer on how all this can be done?  I am sure I could find good info on the projects I have to do.  I am replacing my bowsprit and rudder cheeks.

    I would imagine these have been done before and there would be some info.

    Jasmine W32
    toolowd AT aol DOT com

    Rich: Top right hand side of the topic should have a Subscribe ...  link to select. 

    In the Members Area look at the Westsail  FAQ topics for topics about Bowsprit work - though I need content on rudder cheeks (photo's and a write up would be great). I assume you have checked Bud's manual on both subjects?

    Latest forum messages appear on the home page - unless there is more then space allows.

    Hope this helps



    Last modified: July 01, 2012 1:41 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • July 01, 2012 5:48 PM
    Reply # 989992 on 988943

    Thanks for the heads up.  I finally found the way to subscribe.  It is not available in the latest Safari browser.  I had to use firefox to see it. 
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