Thanks for your post and links as I have much more clarity on this issue.
I spend hours almost daily on your site and find it incredibly valuable.
I am a new member to this site now for near six months. I spent a few years as a non member on the old site. I bought my W32 less than 6 months ago but when the new site was created I sent a couple emails to our great volunteers expressing my disappointments even though I still was not a member or owner. Much of my frustrations was due to the lack of explanations for the change. Your posts and links here help relieve.
Not that I ever plan on selling my boat but I'm sure that future buyers not having access
to a good forum and archives affects decisions for them purchasing and may affect the values of our boats.
I spend hours daily on cruisersforum and don't understand why the WOA couldn't have converted to this common familiar forum format. Many other forums use it and it is a great experience for the user.
Is it expensive?
Is it time consuming to maintain?
Thanks again,