Our first 42 (factory finish) (Ocarina, Tralfamadore now Blue Fin) had a sealed stern compartment with large round brass hatch cover and overboard spill port. But it also had a deck box built over the top of the sealed LPG compartment.
Our second 42 (Sundowner, now "She'll Be Apples") was not a factory finished boat, almost though, and it too has the same LPG compartment and hatch found on our first boat..
We carried/carry two 20lb(9kg) steel.
I'd make a stern deck box, there should be pictures of Blue Fin on the net, if not I can post some. Any gas leak will spill over the boat from the deck hawse pipes or drains athwart the cockpit. Of course you could always make the stern box gas tight and have it's own dedicated spillway aft, problem with that would be how high that spillway would be given the toe rail.
Construction Manual, Section 4-G-3 has a deck box mounted in front of main hatch. IMHO running the gas line as described looks interesting :|. Those look like 10lb/3.5kg horizontal.