Moisture under main mast into cabin - tabernacle?

  • October 21, 2016 8:50 AM
    Message # 4318341

    Greetings, all.  We are new owners of Gryphon, W32 #660.

    On rainy days, we get a slight leak of moisture in the cabin directly below the main mast.  Water drips down the wall at the corner of the head bulkhead forward in the middle of the cabin to the sole.

    Is this a relatively common maintenance issue on the W32 that needs caulking on the deck around the base of the mast?  Our mast has a pin for pivoting.

  • October 21, 2016 3:29 PM
    Reply # 4323395 on 4318341
    Anonymous member (Administrator)


    I have not had to chase that particular leak area so far... I would recommend you check the area around the tabernacle / mast base.  The wiring for the mast also (on Pygmalion W32 #567) penetrates the deck and goes down inside the head to the bilge.

    Sources of the water include running down the wires through the hole in the deck,  each bolt for the tabernacle etc.  

    Allowing water to get to the plywood between the deck fiberglass layer and the cabin  fiberglass layer.  The water over time will cause the plywood to rot / soften etc - not a good thing.

    Notice the carriage bolts that secure the deck and beam below - another possible source of leaks. 



    Jay Bietz

    Web master  

    Last modified: October 21, 2016 3:43 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • October 25, 2016 4:44 PM
    Reply # 4341127 on 4318341
    Deleted user

    I had a similar problem recently and decided that I was getting water intrusion through the wiring tube.  I packed it with plumber's putty until it wouldn't take anymore and so far so good, even with the rain of Hurricane Matthew.  I'm keeping a close eye on it though just in case.  -Tom Koehl

  • October 25, 2016 5:54 PM
    Reply # 4343228 on 4341127
    Thanks, all, and Tom. I am plugging all possible leaks.
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