My wife and I just enjoyed our 10th anniversary on our W32, after ditching our house, cars, and storage lockers. We are delighted. IMO, the W32 is the ideal cruising boat for two people.
Our friends, Jeff and Wendy on W32 Calypso, started on a W32, upgraded to a W42. Then they found that the W42 was too big to suit them, and they sold it and bought their original W32 back again. They still live on board today.
The bigger the boat, the more expensive, and the more muscle it takes to operate. Complexity in addition to size, adds greatly to the problem. Every additional system that provides comfort and luxury will fail at some point, and you'll have to fix it. Even rich cruisers eventually learn that someday they must become self sufficient.
I once read that 2/3 of circumnavigators who abandon their dream before completion, cite too big a boat as the reason.
One essential point. Make sure that the layout of your boat provides comfortable places for both of you to lounge simultaneously in off hours; especially during bad weather.
Good luck living your dreams.