Windvane/Staysail Question

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  • June 19, 2014 1:33 PM
    Message # 1562554
    Deleted user

    Actually I have two separate questions:

    I am looking into outfitting my W32 with a self-steering Windvane.  I have read various opinions on which is the “best,” however, I would be interested in any experiences on which may work best on the WS32 (and be easiest to mount).  Also, please let me know if anyone knows of a good used one on the market.

    Second questions is has anyone eliminated the club from the staysail and mounted tracks on the cabin?  My understanding is you can get about ½ knot more speed.  I am interested in not only performance, but how it functions under sail, to include hove to.

    Appreciate any thoughts –

    Thanks, Danny

  • June 20, 2014 4:02 AM
    Reply # 1562603 on 1562554
    Deleted user
        I believe you will find that the subject of which is "best" will bring opinions that are quite passionate;-)  Our W32 originally came with a Sayes rig.  The Sayes is a good unit and quite simple, but research showed that probably wasn't the best unit for the W32.  I'm sure others will disagree, I still see W32s with Sayes windvanes mounted.  Give the folks at Scanmar a call and talk with them.  They sell Sayes, Monitor, and others, so they seem to be fairly unbiased about which unit they sell.  We ended up finding a late model Monitor for our W32 for a good price.  We were able to get exact mounting dimensions from the Scanmar folks and the installation was very straight forward.  The unit functioned quite well.  No complaints.  I would buy another one if it were the right unit for the situation.  Others love their Cape Horn units.  There are also quite a few Aires units out there and all swear by them.  
       We had a loose footed staysail on our W32.  It worked quite well.  I can't comment on the difference in performance as it was in that configuration when we bought her.

  • June 20, 2014 12:30 PM
    Reply # 1562669 on 1562554
    Deleted user


    Thank you for the reply.  I agree that everyone will likely have their opinion, but it does seem most people agree on the top three names: Capehorn, Aires, and Monitor.  Also, glad to hear there are some folks out there that have went without the traditional club.



  • June 20, 2014 12:57 PM
    Reply # 1562670 on 1562554

    We got rid of our boom and added a Profurl to the staysal.  This has proven to be a great improvement for cruising. Not only does it allow us to handle head sails from the cock pit it allows infinite adjustments for fine tunning. 

    We have had an Aires and replaced it with a Moniter five years ago.  The Aries did a great job but the Moniter has finite control where the Aris was 2-1/2 degress per click on the adjustment.  The Moniter is also all S.S. construction.  I believe the Moniter to be the best built but any will do the job.


    Last modified: June 20, 2014 12:59 PM | Anonymous
  • June 20, 2014 6:37 PM
    Reply # 1562689 on 1562554
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Pygmalion doens't have a windvane  but looking at the 2013 NA rondy -- Moniters seem to rule

    I'm also hoping to remove the club and install a furler for the staysail...


  • June 21, 2014 8:55 PM
    Reply # 1562730 on 1562554

    Ahoy Danny,

    You have been given some misinformation concerning the Staysail.  You can not get 1/2 knot more boat speed by getting rid of the Staysail boom.  If you re-sheet perfectly using the existing sail without the boom you will gain nothing when close-hauled, and you will lose performance when reaching or trying to run.  If you eliminate the boom and get a new reshaped Staysail you could possibly get .1k when closed-hauled but you will still lose when reaching or trying to run.  There are a number of reasons, to eliminate the Staysail boom.  Sailing performance is not one of them.  The biggest effect on performance concerning the Staysail is to not use it.  Just recently, Gary Burton and I were out on Elizabeth Ann and trimmed to a close-haul to the best of our ability with the Main, Staysail and Yankee.  We then dropped the Staysail and lost .75k.  We re-set it and recovered our .75k.

    About the windvanes:  All of the servo pendulum windvanes will work equally well on the Westsail-32.  (I haved used just about every production Windvane made for at least one long haul delivery).  With long term use, all of them have their short comings.  All of them their strengths.  If you're looking for one, keep your eye open for a Fleming also.

    Good luck, and let us know what you do,       Dave

    Last modified: June 21, 2014 8:58 PM | Anonymous member
  • June 22, 2014 1:16 PM
    Reply # 1562748 on 1562554
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Dave:  in your Elizabeth Ann testing -- how close to the wind were you able to sail? and what was the wind speed?  

    Like to compare with Pygmalion.

    PS are you here next weekend for the start of the SHTP? 

  • June 22, 2014 9:51 PM
    Reply # 1562773 on 1562554

    Ahoy Jay,

    Concerning our test sail on Elizabeth Ann:  We did not record on paper the details of out test, but Gary and I have reviewed our memories and they are in agreement pretty close.  The apparent wind was 12k at 45 degrees off.  Our boat speed was 6.5k into a little chop.  Dropping the Staysail dropped the speed to about 5.7k.  Raising it back up returned the speed to 6.5k.  The True wind was 8.7k.  It is important to note that we were NOT pointing as high as possible on purpose.  We could easily get the apparent wind to 35 degrees but the boat speed dropped to about 5.5k  We were going more for VMG and the slightly wider angle is where the W-32 is going to do its best - against other boats.

    Thanks for the response,     Dave

  • June 23, 2014 4:20 AM
    Reply # 1562778 on 1562554
    Deleted user

    While we're on the subject of staysails, in the build manual is a genoa staysail, luff 23',leech 23' and foot 15'6".

    When would a genoa staysail be used? would it be good in combination with a genoa headsail or super yankee? Has anyone used one and any comments?





  • June 24, 2014 7:25 PM
    Reply # 1562928 on 1562554
    Deleted user

    Thanks for the rely and solid advice.  I think I will try to go "clubless," with the staysail.

    Also, thanks for the input on the windvanes.

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