Is anyone ABYC certified?

  • June 13, 2013 2:32 PM
    Message # 1317670
    Deleted user
    I just started the process of becoming ABYC certified and wanted some input about the testing and the cert itself. Anyone certified especially in the electronics arena? It's expensive but from what I understand it can pay off in the long term. I also understand the test is very difficult and so I remain apprehensive.
  • June 13, 2013 4:29 PM
    Reply # 1317751 on 1317670
    I'm ABYC certified. You can purchase a study guide and take the exam at a local facility that proctors exams.. like a public library. The pass mark is 84% and everything you need to know is in the standards. Join the ABYC and then you will have access to the standards online.
  • June 13, 2013 8:20 PM
    Reply # 1317887 on 1317670
    Deleted user

    Yes I joined this morning and I've got to admit that the website is a mess. The most unorganized heap of digital links, I'd be pissed if I was in charge. Nevertheless I'm purchasing the study guide ( I think cause it's defiantly not clear ) and going to take the test afterwards. 

    Was the test difficult? So far everyone I have spoken to says its very difficult. 

    Has it helped you obtain work? 
  • June 13, 2013 9:11 PM
    Reply # 1317908 on 1317670
    I assume we are talking about marine electrical? The test was fairly difficult, I did have an advantage as I have been in the industrial electrical field for 25 years. There are quite a few trick questions and you have to know the material well as there are only about 3 minutes per question.. 3 hour test.
    I think it has helped get me more work as it does look quite official on the business card. :)

  • June 22, 2013 9:31 PM
    Reply # 1324951 on 1317670
    Deleted user
    I've been standards accredited for awhile now and recently retested for renewal. You do need to be prepared for the test and be alert while you take it, but its not too difficult to pass. Hard to say if its worthwhile as it seems to me that very few people in the boating public are aware or interested in ABYC, which is unfortunate.
    I do value the standards and quote them in my surveys, but as has been pointed out, the website is a mess and there is a general sense of disorganization. The standards are written far better than the CFR's but its my opinion ABYC does a poor job of public outreach and does not always provide a great value for the members. With that said, in a fairly unregulated and sometimes unscrupulous industry, its one way of separating yourself from all the self appointed experts. 
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