Don't know much about your particular lake, but some thoughts...
What are the depths in the lake? Make sure the draft of the W32 is okay in the waters you want to cruise.
Are there travel lifts/ cranes along the lake so that a boat can be hauled/splashed their easily? Bigger lakes usually have marinas that can accommodate you.
What are your goals for cruising the lake? Do you ever plan to move beyond the lake?
If you want to someday take the boat out of the lake and put it in the sea, that is fine. The W32 is a great boat that excels at comfort and safety at sea. She is tough. In a lake, those might not be the greatest advantages. If you plan to cruise the lake in fair weather mostly you might prefer a more spacious boat for the calmer waters. Many of the more modern styled fin keel boats have more maneuverability, are faster in calm lake waters, and provide a better layout for living/entertaining and can be found cheaper/abundantly.
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love our W32, but I'm a huge proponent of using the right tool for the job. Think long and hard about what your top priorities are. If you want a romantically styled double ender that is tough and comfortable in sea states that send some of the lighter boats running, that is great, but you may find that you don't need the high stability, or tons and tons of storage, or the hassle of sailing a very heavy boat in protected cruising grounds.
Let us know how it goes either way. And good luck. =)