Matthew, I have found that I can't find anyplace that can beat Bud's prices. Plus his knowledge is priceless.
My boat is only about 40 minutes away but I forget parts or tools also. I now take notes on my phone under "Bring to boat" as I find I need things for next visit or while working at something at home. I also have some 12 gallon tubs that I carry back and forth. One is marked "epoxy stuff", it has anything to do with fiberglass, etc. Then there is the "sanding" bin, and the unmarked bin that I put stuff in that I want to bring to the boat. I found this works well for me. I carry my phone everywhere and take lots of pictures so I can "see" what I was working on at the boat and figure out what I need to bring.
Have fun with your Westy and keep us informed about what your working on!