My Vessel of Dreams

  • January 09, 2013 6:29 PM
    Message # 1175884

    Hello all,

    I became the owner of #441 this past fall.  She (JURA) hasn't seen water for 5 years as she has been in storage.  I am so grateful that this web site and forum exists.  I imagine us all as sharing similiar sensibilities regarding boat design.  It's nice knowing you are out there to be a resource for me as I (we) venture ahead.  We are truly privileged to own these wonderful vessels!

  • January 09, 2013 7:06 PM
    Reply # 1175899 on 1175884
    Deleted user

    Paul, as a relatively new owner of a Westsail vessel myself, I found this website, forum,  the gracious help from other owners , and the sage advice and support from Bud to be stuff that keeps dreams alive.  While I haven't earn a lot of stripes yet, I say welcome.

    No matter how much TLC our respective vessels may need from time to time, at least we know they were well built.  I have torn our WS42 apart and have found that neither neglect nor incapacity of ownership could not destroy the well done structure and design.

    Again, welcome!


  • January 11, 2013 7:52 PM
    Reply # 1177895 on 1175884
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Paul: Welcome aboard - do keep in touch and if you have an online photo album started be sure to add the url to your membership profile.


    Last modified: January 11, 2013 8:22 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • January 13, 2013 8:25 AM
    Reply # 1178735 on 1175884

    Welcome Paul! You will find this forum very helpful. The members here go out of there way to help. I too am a new Westsail owner. I purchased Nellie Jo (hull # 359) in June of 2012. Wecome aboard and to the family!

  • January 15, 2013 2:33 PM
    Reply # 1180739 on 1175884
    Deleted user
    Welcome Paul... As a new owner myself, I know the value of this page. 
  • January 16, 2013 1:29 PM
    Reply # 1181545 on 1175884
    Welcome aboard Paul.

    I've heard of Jura in the past.  As a matter of fact, I heard that Jura was a legendary W32 with superb joinery and interior finish.  I would love to see a photo tour or a video tour of Jura, and I bet the other WOA members would too.

  • January 16, 2013 6:03 PM
    Reply # 1181677 on 1175884

    W32 #441 JURA is an exceptional Westsail 32.  I was somewhat involved with the second owner, a doctor from NC, who purchased the unfinished (actually never really started on) kit from the first owner, after it had been sitting alongside his garage in Durham, NC for about 15. years.

    I have lots of stories to tell about JURA, but the first one is choice.  When I went to survey the kit in Durham for the doctor, the trees had grown up all around the boat, and there was a two foot high pile of empty beer cans all around the stern.  Seems as though the first owner would tell his wife every night he was going out to work on the boat.  His version of work was to sit in the cockpit, drink beer, dream about building and finishing the boat, and chuck the empties overboard.

    The truckers had to cut down the trees and clean up the beer cans to get the boat onto their trailer to move the boat to Wrightsville Beach, where the doctor had the boat built.

  • January 18, 2013 3:29 PM
    Reply # 1183328 on 1175884

    Thank you all for your "welcomes." 

    I wouldn't be so presumptuous as to describe my W32 JURA as "legendary", but I will say that her interior is very seductive and one of the reasons I couldn't help but to buy her.  It alwasy nice, when buying a boat, to become the beneficiary of a meticulous and organized prior owner.  JURA has been well looked after to include a beautiful Beta engine installation by Bud. 

    Once I get my sea-legs, I hope a New England rendezvous might be in the cards.

  • January 18, 2013 6:08 PM
    Reply # 1183415 on 1175884
    Deleted user
    We would jump all over a New England Rendevous!  Harmony may soon be ready to raft a few rubstrates!
  • January 19, 2013 6:43 AM
    Reply # 1183584 on 1175884
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Did I hear interest in hosting a New England Rondy?? the WOA would love to get one going in this area of the country.  

    We offer seed money and send emails to members in the area to help with attendance -- Bud will also send out invitations to his list of owners - and usually attends... 

    Let me know and I'll out an entry on the WOA calendar.

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