Pygmalion has two fuel filters a Racor and a no-name filter, two fuel tanks and 4 fuel valves so you can control which filter and which tank you are using at any one time. the two filter valves are in the engine room and the fuel tank valves are under the galley sink.
Be sure to use CG approved fuel hose -- it's double thick for fire prevention purposes.
When the engine and tanks were out -- I now wish I had moved the overflow from the exterior of the boat to the interior - I know this sounds bad but so is dribbling fuel into the water with possible fines $$ - at least you would know when your are overfilling or the overflow burps.
Now it would be very hard to reach much less modify the arrangment.
Another thought is to add in the a water vapor device into the fuel vent circuit - maybe a high loop for each tank then instead of running the vent line over board - combine them in the lazarret with a single vapor trap...
Bud - what do you think?